John Green Discusses Month-Long YouTube Break Due to Mental Health

Famous content creator John Green has announced his intention to temporarily step away from YouTube and social media for a month, citing mental health concerns as the cause.

Hank and John Green have been making a name for themselves through various YouTube channels, books, and more for nearly two decades.

The Vlogbrothers, also known as Hank and John, were the creators of the popular VidCon event in 2010. After eight years, they sold the event to Paramount, where it continues to thrive.

On June 25, John Green announced to his followers that he will be temporarily stepping away from YouTube and social media for a month. However, he reassured them that he will still be attending VidCon Anaheim.

“I will be starting off this video by explaining why I am taking some time off,”he stated. “To be honest, things haven’t been going too well for me. While I will still be attending VidCon this weekend and remaining active online for the next few days, I have decided to completely disconnect from the internet for the entire month of July.”

“I will re-evaluate my feelings in August.”

“I will focus on reminding myself of the same message I’ve been sharing with you all along, that ‘hope sings the tune without the words and never stops at all,’ he declared.”

The influencer’s followers expressed their adoration for him by commenting on a post he shared on social media, showcasing the video.

“I hope you are doing well. Take the entire month off, or even longer, if needed. Whether you finish the book or not, what you have already achieved is truly impressive,”one user responded.

“Another individual commented that they have not yet watched the video, but they assume that most of us already understand the message. They express their happiness that the speaker is taking care of themselves.”

“I recently came across a post emphasizing the significance of creative rest, and this aligns perfectly with that message. Take time to rest and reconnect with the parts of yourself that bring you hope and joy, even in the smallest moments. Thank you for sharing this,”a third person added.

VidCon will be held in Anaheim, California, spanning from June 26 to June 29, 2024, showcasing a diverse range of content creators.

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