John Green questioned by spy after Russian government hacks email

YouTuber John Green claims that he was interrogated by a “spy”after his email account was hacked by the Russian government for an unknown motive.

Green announced the news in a video on the Vlogbrothers’ YouTube channel on August 13. He disclosed that he and his brother Hank were taken aback when they opened their email account several years ago and saw a startling message.

“A few years back, both of us received alarming red notifications from Gmail stating: ‘We suspect that your email has been breached by a foreign government.’ Although we were taken aback, we simply acknowledged the situation and continued with our daily routines,”he recalled.

John recounted that a couple of months after, he was contacted by a friend who had a “diplomat”acquaintance who wanted to have a meeting with him.

He made initial contact with the friend via email, and upon meeting at John’s office, the YouTuber couldn’t help but notice that the diplomat’s job title, “special regional assistant for trade,”seemed suspiciously similar to that of a spy.

There was no response from him, only lifeless, vacant eyes staring back at me. The silence was absolute and lasted so long that I took a sip of my drink and finally asked, “So, what do you do?”He replied, “I primarily work in intelligence.”

John Green proceeded to reveal that the “spy” interrogated him with numerous inquiries, such as the amount of his mortgage, his sponsorship for the soccer team, his family, and his professional dynamic with Hank.

“John remembered that [at that time], the man asked if he had ever visited Russia, to which he replied with a negative. The man then inquired if he had ever expressed criticism towards the Russian government.”

“Afterwards, he inquired, ‘My question is, why would the Russian government be so invested in you and your brother that they would take the effort to hack your specific email?’”

Following the meeting, John phoned his father to update him on the recent events. After their conversation, his father remarked, “It seems like they determined that you are just a father from Indianapolis, neither beneficial nor harmful.”

Similarly, John Green is not the only YouTuber to have been approached by prominent government officials. In July, Marques ‘MKBHD’ Brownlee shared that the FBI had also reached out to him following his review of the Escobar phone.

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