JoJoLands chapter 16: Jodio and co fight the enemy Stand as the Lava Rock’s powers work a miracle

The 16th chapter of JoJoLands was highly anticipated to provide insight into the enemy Stand attacking Jodio Joestar and his companions, as well as reveal the identity of its user and their motives. The issue did not disappoint, as it delved into these aspects, giving readers a thorough understanding of the enemy and their objectives.

In chapter 16 of JoJoLands, the Lava Rock’s powers once again prove to be crucial as they provide Jodio and the others with their biggest advantage yet. Although they must still defeat the enemy Stand or its user to save themselves, they are now in a position to accomplish all of their goals if they can survive.

JoJoLands Chapter 16: Jodio’s Emergence as Team Leader During an Invisible Attack

Chapter Recap

Jodio and co are out of time to think in JoJoLands chapter 16 (Image via Shueisha)
Jodio and co are out of time to think in JoJoLands chapter 16 (Image via Shueisha)

Jodio Joestar and his companions in JoJoLands chapter 16 were in unanimous agreement that their location could not have been revealed. They also believed that the Stand was deliberately planted as a trap in the Howler land deeds, and thus, the perpetrator would likely initiate an investigation to uncover their true identities.

After that, attention turned to Charmingman, who informed Usagi Aloha’oe that he needed to stop his quest for the Stand within his body because his own health was declining. Charmingman revealed that the Stand moved at a slow pace and was not very powerful, but even the slightest touch from it was deadly. As a result, Usagi’s eye began to bleed, while Paco Lovelantes became aware that Jodio was manipulating Dragona Joestar.

In chapter 16 of JoJoLands, Jodio unveiled that Dragona was no longer breathing. In response, Jodio devised a plan, recognizing that as an automatic Stand, it must adhere to specific guidelines for navigating through a target’s body. Jodio then called out to Dragona and implored him to utilize his Smooth Operators Stand to locate the enemy Stand and remove it from his lungs.

Dragona's life is seemingly forfeit in JoJoLands chapter 16's opening pages (Image via Shueisha)
Dragona’s life is seemingly forfeit in JoJoLands chapter 16’s opening pages (Image via Shueisha)

Despite Dragona’s lack of response, she swiftly signaled to Jodio that she had completed the task. Utilizing his November Rain Stand, Jodio directed a lone raindrop into Dragona’s esophagus, effectively eliminating the Stand inside of her. After coughing and catching his breath, Jodio was informed by Charmingman that Usagi’s aggressive Stand was likely nearing his brain.

During chapter 16 of JoJoLands, Jodio and Paco discussed the fact that they would now be pursued. They made the decision to go to a hospital in order to use an MRI machine to locate the Stand in Usagi’s brain. Although the MRI would not reveal the Stand itself, it would help them determine the damaged areas of Usagi’s brain and guide their search using Dragona’s Smooth Operators.

Upon reaching the hospital, the group successfully persuaded Usagi to utilize his Matte Kudasai Stand to create doctored surveillance footage of their presence at the hospital. Meanwhile, attention shifted back to the land registry building, where an individual was inquiring about the altered video of Usagi, Dragona, and Charmingman entering the premises.

In chapter 16 of JoJoLands, the man known as Bobby Jean was seen discussing the recent allegations against Howler and their involvement in money laundering with a security guard. After a brief conversation, Bobby Jean turned his attention back to the trio. Nearby, a young girl became fixated on a figurine displayed in the security office. She pleaded with Bobby Jean to purchase one for her, but unfortunately, the security guard informed them that they were no longer being sold due to lack of popularity.

The man’s attempt to bribe the guard to let him take the object was successful, as the girl’s strong desire for it influenced his decision. However, his return to the footage revealed that the three individuals were never captured leaving. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that Charmingman and Dragona had carried a sickly Usagi into their van, as shown by footage of the ambulance’s arrival.

In chapter 16 of JoJoLands, the security guard confidently identified Usagi as the person who had spilled ramen in the lobby, leading him to believe that they were indeed inside the building. Upon further investigation, Bobby Jean and his companion concluded that one of the groups and their vehicle must be imposters, as the girl revealed that her Stand, Bags’ Groove, was responsible for attacking Jodio and his companions. She also confirmed that Jodio’s actions had caused her to experience a nosebleed, which affected one of her Stands.

The attention then turned to Jodio and his colleagues at the hospital, where they mistakenly arrived at the ICU instead of the MRI department. To their surprise, they found the receptionist, who had assisted them earlier, lying in a hospital bed while her father, a congressman, sat on a nearby bench in tears. After consulting with his advisor, it was revealed that the congressman had been looking into the actions of Howler and was now determined to initiate an investigation against them, believing they had poisoned his daughter.

In chapter 16 of JoJoLands, the aid persistently cautioned against pursuing the matter, citing insufficient evidence and the potential risk it posed. However, when his daughter’s condition suddenly worsened, both he and the aid hurried over to attend to her, inadvertently leaving behind the tablet he had been holding.

Jodio and his team were aware that the tablet had been used by the congressman to order an investigation into Howler, as he had already signed his name on it. Suspecting the involvement of the Lava Rock, Dragona cleverly utilized Smooth Operators to transfer the congressman’s fingerprint onto the authenticator on the touch screen. As a result, the investigation order was successfully sent out, paving the way for Jodio and his team to eventually take ownership of Howler’s land.

In review

The 16th chapter of JoJoLands successfully establishes the complete context of the Howler plotline and the reasoning behind the rigged land deeds with a Stand trap. This explanation of money laundering and land impropriety not only adds depth to the story, but also foreshadows future conflicts for Jodio and his group after acquiring the land from Howler. Despite its seemingly minor role, the series cleverly lays the foundation for its overarching narrative through these subtle details.

The issue effectively highlights the Lava Rock’s abilities, which extend beyond its physical interactions. This subtly showcases the full extent of its powers and abilities, both in a conceptual and literal sense. It is even hinted that the Lava Rock has the ability to manipulate fate, as it conveniently provided Jodio and his team with the perfect opportunity to issue the congressman’s investigation order.

In summation

With the introduction of the enemy Stand user(s) in chapter 16 of JoJoLands, the next issue will likely see the two groups meet. It is anticipated that Paco and Jodio will confront the enemies, while Dragona and Charmingman will utilize their Stands to heal Usagi.

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