Joy Boy in One Piece: What We Know So Far

Joy Boy is an enigmatic character from the Void Century in One Piece. His impact surpasses the limits of time.

Throughout the series, One Piece consistently introduces enigmatic characters. However, none hold as much significance or intrigue as Joy Boy. With the reveal of Luffy’s true abilities, the speculation surrounding Joy Boy has only grown stronger.

Despite being mentioned numerous times throughout the series, the enigma surrounding him only grew stronger. First introduced in the Fish-Man Island Arc, his existence is continuously alluded to, yet the details remain too obscure to uncover the truth from 800 years ago.

In the Egghead Island Arc, Vegapunk’s message ultimately reveals many enigmas surrounding this renowned individual. While Zunesha claims that Luffy is Joy Boy, the meaning behind this statement remains uncertain.

The message left behind by Joy Boy to foretell his return

An image of Robin reading the Poneglyph in One Piece

The first mention of Joy Boy in One Piece occurred when Robin deciphered the poneglyph on Fish-Man Island. In addition, he shared his aspiration to uphold that pledge and eventually see it through in the future.

The era that he predicted is now the present, in which Luffy will keep his promise. It remains a mystery why the people of the Void Century knew that Joy Boy would return over 800 years in the future.

Joy Boy

Luffy One Piece episode

There is a prevalent belief that Joy Boy is a singular person. When Roger visited Laughtale, he shared his desire to exist in the same time period as Joy Boy. Yet, it remains uncertain whether Roger was referring to the past or the future when he spoke of the “era”of Joy Boy.

Additionally, Zunesha was able to sense Luffy’s devil fruit awakening and it was believed that this signaled the return of Joy Boy. This revelation solidified Luffy’s role as Joy Boy, as he had finally unlocked his true powers. Interestingly, Amatsuki Toki, the wife of Kozuki Oden, also traveled from the Void Century to meet the second Joy Boy.

The comrades of the first Joy Boy

An image of Zunesha from One Piece

Joy Boy is only linked to the Mermaid Princess of the Void Century and Zunesha. During a time of impending global transformation, the Mermaid Princess inherited Poseidon, one of the ancient weapons.

Despite being a close ally of the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi, Luffy shares a similar relationship with the first Joy Boy from his era. However, the connection between Zunesha and Luffy’s predecessor remains shrouded in mystery. According to Momonosuke, Zunesha and Joy Boy were once comrades, but the details of their relationship remain unknown.

It is highly probable that Zunesha committed a wrongdoing in order to protect his comrade and faced consequences for his actions. Despite his comrade’s passing many years ago, Zunesha continues to hold him in fond memory and rejoices at his reunion with Luffy.

The Iron Giant, who had attacked Mariejois more than 200 years ago, is another character closely connected to Joy Boy. In the Egghead Island Arc, it offers an apology to him, possibly implying that it had betrayed or harmed him during their time together.

The One Piece treasure is related to Joy Boy


The enigmatic treasure known as “One Piece” is rumored to possess every treasure in the world. While many believe it belongs to Roger, the truth reveals a different story.

The initial Joy Boy journeyed to an uncharted island during his lifetime, which was eventually dubbed “Laughtale”by Roger. At this location, he left a treasure that would eventually become infamous as One Piece.

The first pirate in history

One Piece Joyboy
Manga Plus

In One Piece Chapter 1115, it is revealed that Vegapunk, a young man from the ancient kingdom, set sail and became the first pirate in history. He utilized Gear 5, just like Luffy, in his battles against the 20 kingdoms during the Great War. Additionally, the chapter also depicts Joy Boy as he single-handedly fights against the rulers of the allied kingdoms.

Despite his defeat, the end of the Void Century is marked. Even after 800 years of events, Vegapunk remains unable to determine which side was in the right, as their opposing ideologies persist.

The real-life inspiration behind Joy Boy from One Piece

A still from Gear 5 Luffy teaser One Piece Episode 1071

Eiichiro Oda is renowned for infusing real-life elements into the One Piece universe. He takes inspiration from actual places, well-known figures, various religions and mythologies, and even literary pieces.

Joyboy, a figure from Caribbean folklore, is referenced in the 1985 publication “Encylopedia of Things That Never Were”by Michael Page and Robert Ingpen. The book explores Joyboy’s role in fulfilling humans’ desire to dance, sing, and celebrate.

He arrived on the Caribbean islands as a captive alongside West African slaves. With a smile, he used his drum to heal the world’s troubles and alleviate humanity’s suffering. His dance and song were believed to dispel the darkness of hopelessness.

Luffy’s heartbeat in the series transformed into the sound of the Drums of Liberation once he awakened his powers. The Gorosei also stated that the wielder of this ability would acquire tremendous strength as the “warrior of liberation”and would battle with a joyful expression.

To discover more about the antics of the Straw Hats, be sure to find out why the Roger Pirates chose not to take action upon learning the truth, and what message Vegapunk has to share.

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