In just a few years on August 1, 2024, Red Velvet, a popular girl group, will reach their 10-year debut anniversary, a significant milestone for any K-pop artist.
However, despite SM’s previous announcement that Red Velvet would be making a comeback in the 2nd quarter of 2024, it is now June and there has been no news about the girl group’s return. This has left fans feeling very disappointed, especially since the comeback was supposed to coincide with Red Velvet’s upcoming 10-year anniversary.
Like fans, Red Velvet’s Joy has expressed her frustration, showing sympathy towards them. In fact, the female idol took to the fan communication platform Bubble and shared a series of critical messages, expressing her disappointment with the lack of promotions for Red Velvet’s comeback.
Joy expressed her curiosity, noting that if one were to search for artists with comebacks in June, they would find several names, including other groups from their company. However, she questioned why their comeback as Red Velvet has not been widely known. She wondered if SM had forgotten to announce it or if they were unable to do so. Joy then asked if there would be an announcement the following week.
Furthermore, Joy also addressed her fans’ concerns and acknowledged that this 10-year anniversary comeback should not be treated lightly. She even confirmed that her venting on Bubble would attract attention and potentially lead to media coverage of the issue.
Many netizens were surprised to discover that Red Velvet would be making a comeback after reading Joy’s remarks. Some also expressed sympathy for the group, while others criticized SM Entertainment for their unprofessionalism.
The following are remarks from online users:
- Wow this must be very upsetting. It’s their 10th anniversary and SM is doing a shit job…
- How can they treat Red Velvet like that
- The 10-year anniversary holds great significance… but is SM really failing to live up to it?
- What is the issue with that marketing and scheduling team?
- I have never heard about Red Velvet making a comeback in June before.
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