Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 269 Sparks Debate Among Fans About Kusakabe

Kusakabe has sparked controversy in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 269 with his shocking revelation that he was okay with Yuji being executed, leaving fans at odds about his character.

The conclusion of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga is approaching, with Chapter 269 set to release on September 15, 2024, and only two more chapters remaining before the series finale on September 30.

During the epilogue, readers are uncovering the jujutsu sorcerers’ comprehensive strategy to defeat Sukuna. In Chapter 269, Kusakabe openly supports the higher-ups’ plan to execute Yuji, the vessel of Sukuna, believing it wise to eliminate him before he poses a threat. His inaction stemmed solely from Yaga’s influence, and he placed blame on Gojo for failing to kill Yuji on the first day.

This scene has incited backlash from many fans. Critics have condemned Kusakabe for his willingness to harm a minor, and some have expressed outrage against him for disparaging Gojo, who sought to protect Yuji.

“Kusakabe saying ‘Gojo’s fault for not killing Yuji sooner’ is so unreal to me. Like, is this the man we’re supposed to believe is kind?” posted one user on X.

“Kusakabe blaming Gojo for not killing Yuji, oh my god when we get you,” wrote another.

Conversely, several readers have pointed out that executing Yuji could have prevented countless deaths and that Kusakabe’s support for the execution was for the greater good.

As noted by one user, “I know Kusakabe was being harsh here, but I like his honesty and how he told the kids not to feel sorry for anything. Love him for that.”

“He foresaw the Shibuya massacre and believed it prudent to eliminate that danger. He’s not cruel for being faced with a moral dilemma,” added another fan.

While opinions on Kusakabe vary, many fans are also eagerly anticipating Gojo’s return in the upcoming chapter. Whether his comeback will occur remains uncertain.

For more insights into the jujutsu world, visit our comprehensive guides including updates on Megumi’s return and the Shinjuku Showdown Arc.


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