‘K-909’ Addresses Accidents During NMIXX’s Set Recording: ‘There were no casualties involved’

In the aftermath of a disastrous recording session, JTBC’s “K-909″has finally addressed the circulating reports regarding multiple accidents during NMIXX’s filming.

JTBC’s ‘K-909’ Production Team Responds to Reports of Multiple Accidents During NMIXX’s Set Filming

Koreans Slam NMIXX's Styling Disaster During
(Photo : Twitter)

On Twitter, users claimed numerous accidents took place, such as the stage catching fire, a drone entangling member Kyujin’s hair, and how audiences weren’t permitted to evacuate. There were also claims of people fainting in the set and that member Lily’s arm was also struck by the drone.

<!– wp:html –><blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”ko”dir=”ltr”>K909 사녹 후기<br>세트가 너무 예뻤고요 무슨 처리 잘못해서 작게 화재났는데 대피 안시켜서 사람 쓰려졌고<br>사과하시긴 했는데 나가지도 못하게 하고 덕분에 더 저질체력됨<br>노래는 좋은데 <br>규진이 머리에 드론도 끼고<br>두번은 안갈려고요 하..</p>&mdash; 제비 (@zdifkfc) <a href=”https://twitter.com/zdifkfc/status/1678218430351024135?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>July 10, 2023</a></blockquote>

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<!– wp:html –><blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en”dir=”ltr”>thankfully the girls were able to flee and there are no reports of injuries. <br><br>some saying they also saw the drone bump into lily’s arm,, this is just upsetting 😕<br><br>“honestly they should’ve done an evacuation if there was a fire. the burnt smell was so strong, all they did was… <a href=”https://t.co/vcbPPNVatf”>pic.twitter.com/vcbPPNVatf</a></p>&mdash; jelly’s dream (@sullkyu) <a href=”https://twitter.com/sullkyu/status/1678254329579405312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>July 10, 2023</a></blockquote>

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An attendee wrote:

“The stage caught on fire, someone fainted, and a drone tore out some of Kyujin’s hair. The pre-recording was a horrifying experience. Instead of being moved because I had heard NMIXX’s new song before its official release, I felt scared at that moment.”

Later that evening on the same day (July 10), JTBC’s “K-909″finally released an official statement addressing the incident. They pointed out that the cause of fire was due to a stage prop, which was immediately put out with a fire extinguisher.

Koreans Slam NMIXX's Styling Disaster During
(Photo : Twitter)

However, “K-909″denied the claims of someone fainting inside the set, commenting that there was an audience member who was feeling unwell, but ultimately resolved to stay inside the venue and finish the recording.

“Since there was a problem with a set’s certain part, the pink muhly grass, which was a stage prop, ended up catching flames. When the fire was found, we started evacuating NMIXX, and put the fire out using an extinguisher. Afterwards, we ventilated the place.”

“During the filming, an audience member was feeling ill, so a staff member accompanied the member on the way out. This audience member was advised to go home, but insisted to re-enter the site and assured it was okay.”

“The audience member sat down on a chair to finishing the remaining shoot. After assessing that all viewers were doing fine, we resumed our recording.”

(Photo : instagram)

“K-909″followed up on the reports of Kyujin being struck by a drone, stating that after it knotted on Kyujin’s hair, the staff checked on her condition. Moreover, the production staff also assured there were no casualties on the set and that preventive measures will be taken.

“When the drone got clipped on Kyujin’s hair, we immediately stopped the shoot to see if Kyujin was doing okay. After we confirmed that nothing was wrong with Kyujin, we carried on and finished the recording.”

“We would like to inform you that there were no casualties involved, but we will take extra measures to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.”

What are your thoughts on this incident? Let us know in the comments below!

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