K-drama Actress Twice a Homewrecker Yet Still Returns Successfully Thanks to Gorgeous Visual

To achieve success in acting projects, beauty alone is not enough for a star to garner attention. An actor’s on-screen performance is determined by essential elements such as their acting skills, charisma, and mannerisms.

Despite being in the industry for over 10 years, actress Jung Eun-chae has only been cast in supporting roles, a struggle she continues to face. Born in 1986, she possesses undeniable beauty but has yet to receive leading roles.

Despite this, in projects like “The King: Eternal Monarch,””Anna,”and “The Fatal Encounter,”this actress has succeeded in garnering attention away from the main female characters with her striking appearance. Portraying the female prime minister in “The King: Eternal Monarch”in 2020, Jung Eun-chae became a sensation in South Korea, establishing a new standard of beauty that countless women aimed to achieve.

As her fame continued to rise, Jung Eun-chae was constantly plagued by scandals that hindered her journey to stardom. These included two homewrecking incidents and involvement in the infamous Burning Sun prostitution ring, which caused widespread shock and turmoil in Asia.

Nevertheless, this actress stands out as she consistently makes successful comebacks every time.

An Exceptional Beauty in Korean Dramas

Despite the prevalence of handsome men and beautiful women in the Korean entertainment industry due to high beauty standards, it is rare to find someone who possesses the cinematic allure, photogenic appeal of idols, and the sharpness of a model like Jung Eun-chae. Her timeless and enigmatic beauty has captivated many viewers, reminiscent of the stunning Hong Kong beauties from the 1970s. In a sea of similar-looking beauties, Jung Eun-chae’s appearance is considered unmatched among today’s Kbiz goddesses.

In addition, Jung Eun-chae’s presence on the small screen has a unique impact. Despite typically playing supporting roles and portraying characters who oppose the female leads, her enchanting attractiveness and charisma have consistently outshone acclaimed female leads such as Kim Go Eun in “The King: Eternal Monarch”and Suzy in “Anna.”In both of these popular shows, the actress made numerous headlines and sparked lively discussions on social media and prominent forums in Korea, all thanks to her beauty and impeccable sense of fashion that surpassed that of the leads.

Jung Eun-chae is so beautiful and mesmerizing that viewers “shipped” her with the male lead Lee Min-ho, overshadowing the female lead Kim Go-eun in “The King: Eternal Monarch”
Suzy was the female lead in the film Anna, but Jung Eun-chae was considered to have stolen the spotlight several times thanks to her impressive fashion sense and the aura of a wealthy heiress.

Despite being in the industry for an extended period and consistently being cast in supporting roles, she continues to capture the audience’s attention due to her unique beauty. However, her beauty is not the only aspect that sets her apart. Jung Eun-chae’s acting abilities, effortless chemistry with the lead actors, and rebellious personality, which is full of potential, have also been commended by experts in the film industry.

In the popular drama “The King: Eternal Monarch,”Jung Eun-chae’s chemistry with Lee Min-ho was highly praised, even though she had fewer scenes with him compared to the female lead. Her captivating expressions, such as frowns, raised eyebrows, and sarcastic smiles, captured the hearts of Korean viewers. In the film Anna, Jung Eun-chae’s stunning looks may have been considered superior to Suzy’s, but she also showcased a unique harmony with her junior co-star in the same frame.

Homewrecking Scandals

In 2012, Jung Eun-chae made headlines for her alleged involvement in an extramarital affair with popular singer Jung Joon-il. Sources revealed that the singer’s wife was the one who publicly revealed the affair, accusing both Jung and her husband of wrongdoing. She also shared that she had been in a relationship with her husband since 2006 and their marriage had been strong until the affair came to light.

In 2009-2010, Jung Joon-il’s wife discovered that her husband was having an affair with Jung Eun-chae. She attempted to dissuade him, and he promised to stop his unfaithful behavior. However, he continued to carry on his relationship with the actress in secret, even after getting married. When he was caught for a second time, Jung Joon-il showed no remorse and even threatened to divorce his wife. In a fit of anger, Jung Joon-il’s wife exposed all of his and the actress’s wrongdoing from “The King: Eternal Monarch”on his fan cafe. This ultimately led to the end of Jung Joon-il and his wife’s marriage due to the shocking infidelity scandal

Despite it being many years later, in 2020, the old scandal resurfaced during the height of “The King: Eternal Monarch”‘s popularity. This time, Jung Eun-chae’s team denied any involvement in the past affair. This only fueled more outrage as they placed the blame solely on her ex, Jung Joon-il, and claimed that the actress was unaware of his marital status at the time.

Due to the public’s strong disapproval of Jung Joon-il’s tendency to shift the blame, his team responded with a sharp retort. Specifically, they asserted that Jung Eun-chae was fully aware of Jung Joon-il’s marital status at the time. They also criticized the sudden portrayal of Jung Joon-il as a deceptive individual.

The famous singer’s reaction resulted in a complete change in public opinion, leading to Jung Eun-chae being labeled as a deceitful “mistress”who had betrayed her audience. The sudden fame and recognition she had gained from her role as the stunning prime minister quickly disappeared.

In addition to her relationship with singer Jung Joon-il, actress Jung Eun-chae was also involved in another scandal in 2013. She was accused of being the third party in the relationship between Japanese actor Ryo Kase and actress Mikako Ichikawa.

Despite the strong and longstanding relationship between Ryo and Mikako, Japanese fans continued to show their support for the couple after their collaboration on the film “Hill of Freedom.”However, Jung Eun-chae received even harsher criticism from both Korean and Japanese fans for being viewed as the third party responsible for ruining someone else’s long-term happiness.

At the time, Japanese media had concrete proof in the form of photographs from a date between Jung Eun-chae and the Japanese actor. It was noteworthy that at the time, Ryo Kase was still cohabiting with Mikako Ichikawa, resembling a married couple.

Images showing Jung Eun-chae being intimate with the married Japanese actor

Following the revelation of her infidelity, the actress quickly clarified that she and the cast of “Hill of Freedom”had initially traveled to Japan for a vacation, but had to go their separate ways due to their hectic schedules. As good friends, Ryo Kase took Jung Eun-chae to visit various tourist destinations in Japan. According to Jung Eun-chae’s team, she had gone to Japan to visit a close friend who had recently given birth. She and Ryo Kase share a strong friendship, and he kindly showed her around some places during her visit.

Despite the incident seemingly being resolved, Ryo Kase and Mikako Ichikawa’s sudden announcement of their breakup caused an increase in criticism towards Jung Eun-chae. Numerous viewers noted that the actress has a habit of portraying herself as the victim and feigning ignorance, which has resulted in her being blamed for unintentionally causing the breakup of multiple couples.

Drug Use Allegations and Association with Burning Sun Club

Half a decade ago, the South Korean public was stunned by a report from SBS’s renowned investigative show “Unanswered Questions,”which revealed that a well-known Korean actress had consumed drugs at a Burning Sun event.

Furthermore, there were suspicions that a cosmetics brand sponsoring Burning Sun may have been involved in a prostitution ring. The brand had also organized a dinner at the club, reserving 20 VIP tables. During the event, an actress in her 30s, known as A, was accused of hitting individuals in their 40s and 50s with a light stick when they attempted to greet her. Witnesses claimed that A’s eyes were bloodshot and it appeared as though she was under the influence of drugs such as stimulants and marijuana. As a result of this news becoming public, Jung Eun-chae was suddenly placed under scrutiny and the situation was blown out of proportion.

After some time had passed, her agency refuted the accusations, clarifying that “Jung Eun-chae has no involvement with the reports regarding Burning Sun or the cosmetics company. The unfounded rumors that have been circulating online and the malicious comments being made are completely false. Jung Eun-chae’s previous contract with the cosmetics company ended in April, and she began a new contract with a different cosmetics brand in May.”

Despite this, the public’s doubts about the identity of the actress in this story persisted.

A Surprising Outcome After a Series of Shocking Scandals

Despite facing numerous shocking scandals, Jung Eun-chae is often seen as an outlier in the Korean entertainment industry (Kbiz) for her exceptional talent in bouncing back with strength.

Despite being involved in two consecutive homewrecking scandals in 2012-2013, she still managed to gain attention through her impressive roles and works. However, the label of “mistress” stuck to her career for many years, drawing severe criticism from the public. Despite this, she was able to amass a significant fan base, with viewers who appreciated her acting skills rather than focusing on her personal life.

Despite the minor success of her role in “The King: Eternal Monarch,”Jung Eun-chae’s past scandals resurfaced. In response, she decided to maintain a low profile for 1-2 years, only making a brief appearance in the TV series “L.U.C.A.: The Beginning.”This hiatus allowed the public to move on from her previous controversies and focus on her professional work.

In 2022-2023, Jung Eun-chae made a powerful resurgence, captivating audiences with her striking beauty, charm, and acting abilities. Her roles in the web series “Pachinko”and “Anna”brought her back into the limelight, leaving viewers in awe of her ethereal appearance that outshone even that of lead actress Suzy.

Jung Eun-chae even appears on major fashion magazine like Vogue despite her scandals

After experiencing several major love scandals in the past, Jung Eun-chae has finally found happiness once again. In May, it was revealed that Jung Eun-chae is currently in a relationship with designer and broadcaster Kim Chung-jae, whom she met in 2023. Coincidentally, both were born in 1986 and their romantic relationship has been blossoming ever since.

Once their relationship became official, Jung Eun-chae and her boyfriend Kim Chung-jae decided not to keep it a secret. They openly interacted on social media and introduced each other to their close friends. When the news of their relationship broke, it garnered mixed reactions from the public. While some ridiculed Jung Eun-chae’s past, others were happy for her and praised her for finding a stable and peaceful relationship with her partner. Jung also publicly showed her support for her boyfriend’s studio on social media, portraying a serene image while being in a committed relationship.

The source is K14.

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