K-netizens’ Mixed Reactions to aespa Winter’s Overlip Makeup

Winter recently posted a series of selfies on her SNS account, which were taken backstage after aespa’s concert. While fans showered the female idol with compliments for her stunning appearance, several netizens also took notice of her overlip makeup.

To ensure a glamorous appearance on stage, idols often don bold makeup under the bright lights of concerts. However, in a backstage selfie, the exaggerated upper lip makeup seemed a bit excessive.

aespa winter
aespa winter
aespa winter
aespa winter
aespa winter

While some commend this style for showcasing Winter’s beauty on stage, others believe that Winter appears more attractive with minimal and natural makeup.

Winter’s post was shared on the online platform Nate Pann, where it received comments from various netizens.

– Isn’t this the unique aspect of aespa’s stage makeup? Both Winter and Karina rock bold makeup on stage.

She appears more beautiful and authentic without overemphasizing her lips.

“I can’t believe how much makeup Winter is wearing. Do you think it’s because of all the talk on Pann about her philtrum? Personally, I think her current makeup is the most beautiful, especially the eyeliner.”

Under the bright concert lights, she appears flawless even without any makeup.

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