[K Society Korean Encyclopedia] Taboo on the first anniversary of the tragedy! Halloween is coming and Korean netizens are quarreling: Can we go to Itaewon this year?

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Halloween is just around the corner, and many people are thinking about the tragedy a year ago.

Last year’s Halloween, the originally bustling Itaewon turned into a hell on earth. A serious stampede occurred among the crowd attending the Halloween party, killing more than 150 people. After the accident, the South Korean government announced that from October 30 to November The 5th is the “National Mourning Period”.

As this year’s Halloween approaches, Korean netizens have launched a heated discussion on “should I go to Itaewon this year?”with more than 200,000 hits in less than a day. Some netizens thought: “Is there no other place to go besides Itaewon?”, “Do I have to go there?”, “How did you come up with the idea of ​​going to Itaewon?”, saying they couldn’t understand what happened last year. After the tragedy that shocked the whole country, why would anyone want to go again? But there are also many netizens who think: “The stores in Itaewon have to make money from Halloween”, “That incident must be commemorated, but we can’t blame the people who want to play”, “People who are alive can’t play? “wait.

In addition, in order to avoid the recurrence of last year’s tragedy, Seoul City has upgraded its disaster safety response system for large-scale intensive events, adding facilities that can automatically detect values ​​such as crowd density through monitors, and automatically count people when dangerous situations occur., this facility will be officially opened on Halloween.

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