Kaceytron Responds to Twitch Ban During Feud with Asmongold and xQc

Despite being banned, Twitch streamer Kaceytron is fighting back against her suspension while also engaged in an ongoing feud with Asmongold and xQc.

Despite not revealing the exact reason, Kaceytron was suddenly banned from Twitch on May 1, 2024. She felt the ban was unjust and a war of words ensued between Kacey and fellow streamer Asmongold.

Both individuals engaged in a heated argument about X in late April when Kaceytron expressed disapproval of Asmongold’s lifestyle.

“She called out the MMORPG streamer, stating that there was no possible way to say anything to such a repulsive man that would convince him to change his despicable, venomous, repugnant behavior.”

Despite Asmongold’s accusations of her being overweight and using drugs, Kick star xQc defended the OTK member by stating that she is free to live her life however she chooses.

The feud persisted in the following days as Kaceytron continued to criticize Asmongold’s political beliefs and also mentioned other political streamers such as Destiny.

“It’s a complete joke to be labeled a ‘terrible person’ by countless fans of Destiny, Asmongold, and XQC… I mean, do these people even know who they idolize? Their obsession with these mediocre men makes the internet an unbearable place for anyone who isn’t a privileged white man,”she criticized.

The conflict escalated when she and Asmongold expressed opposing views regarding Twitch streamer DenimsTV’s controversial comments about offering a $30,000 reward for anyone who could censor former game developer Mark Kern’s petition for an uncensored version of Stellar Blade.

“She reiterated DenimsTV’s remarks and expressed a desire for Kern to stop victimizing himself and disappear, rather than anyone trying to physically harm him.”

Asmongold also mentioned that he was considering filing a police report regarding the incident and mentioned that he had already reached out to Twitch regarding DenimsTV’s remarks.

He stated that Twitch will most likely have no choice but to ban her, as he sees no possible way for her to escape punishment.

It is uncertain if any of Kaceytron’s comments made outside of her Twitch stream influenced the ban, or if the decision was made solely based on something she said during a broadcast.

Despite this, it appears that this rivalry will continue for the foreseeable future.

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