Kagurabachi Chapter 45: Chihiro’s Secret Weapon to Retrieve the Stolen Enchanted Blades

The spoilers for Kagurabachi chapter 45, which was released on Friday, August 16, 2024, had fans eagerly anticipating Chihiro’s next moves. The leaked spoilers did not disappoint, as they revealed Chihiro’s plan to retrieve the stolen Enchanted Blade from the Hishaku. It seems that Chihiro believes Hakuri is crucial to the success of this mission, as the Enten-user considers them to be the key to their plans.

In the previous chapter, Chihiro convinced Hiyuki Kagari to allow him to join the Kamunabi forces in order to uncover more information about Shinuchi and the secrets his father had kept from him before passing away. Meanwhile, Hakuri chose to stay by Chihiro’s side and continue to demonstrate his trust in the young boy.

Disclaimer: This article includes plot details from Kagurabachi chapter 45.

Kagurabachi Chapter 45: Chihiro’s Plans for the Kamunabi Headquarters

Chihiro Rokuhira, as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)
Chihiro Rokuhira, as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)

Based on the spoilers for Kagurabachi chapter 45, the title of the chapter is What Comes Next.

The purported spoilers for chapter 45 of Kagurabachi start with the Hishaku’s leader having a conversation with an enigmatic man. The leader is confident that everything is going as intended, as the Shinuchi have no other choice but to head towards Kamunabi. The mysterious man agrees with the Hishaku’s leader and eagerly anticipates their next move.

At the same time, Chihiro and Hakuri both wake up from their unconscious state. According to spoilers from chapter 45 of Kagurabachi, it is revealed that the Enten user and the young Sazanami fell asleep shortly after the Rakuzaichi incident. Shiba ponders the possibility of them being twins. Upon awakening, Chihiro notices that Shiba and Hiyuki are engrossed in a video game.

Hiyuki, as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)
Hiyuki, as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)

Hiyuki mentions that they have been patiently waiting for Chihiro and Hakuri to wake up for quite some time. She also praises Shiba’s impressive gaming skills, mentioning that they spent the entire night playing video games and Shiba emerged as the undisputed winner in every match. Chihiro privately considers the possibility that Shiba may not have revealed his past as an ex-Kamunabi to them.

In the spoilers for Kagurabachi chapter 45, Chihiro inquires about the fate of the people they rescued. Shiba reassures him that they have all been safely returned to their homes. Char also relays a message of thanks from Yuu Inazuma to Chihiro and Hakuri. Hiyuki is relieved to know that everyone is out of harm’s way.

Despite Kamunabi’s responsibility to protect the security and safety of the people, she believes they were unable to fulfill their duty due to their lack of courage in eliminating evil. The Flame-Bone user acknowledges the crucial role played by Hakuri and Chihiro, who were able to prevent any threats from slipping through their grasp.

Hakuri, as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)
Hakuri, as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)

Similarly, Shiba expresses relief that everyone is safe. Moving on to the events in Kagurabachi chapter 45, Chihiro inquires Hiyuki and the others about the Enten. The user of Flame-Bone informs him that she has already dispatched the Shinuchi and Enten to the Kamunabi Headquarters. She now has the responsibility of guiding Chihiro to the higher authorities.

In the meantime, Shiba inquires of Chihiro whether he is comfortable with the Kamunabi sealing Shinuchi, given that he has encountered the Hishaku’s leader and is aware of his intentions. After a moment of contemplation, Chihiro responds that he has carefully considered the matter.

Shiba understands the feeling of impatience and wants them to make careful decisions for their next actions. According to spoilers from chapter 45 of Kagurabachi, Hishaku has spent the past three years strategizing their moves. This is all part of their plan to allow Kamunabi to possess the Shinuchi blade.

Hishaku's boss in the manga (Image via Shueisha)
Hishaku’s boss in the manga (Image via Shueisha)

Based on the spoilers for Kagurabachi chapter 45, Shiba predicts that the Hishaku will aim to reclaim the blade from the Kamunabi. Thus, he ponders if there are alternative methods to defend against this threat, rather than aligning with the Kamunabi. However, Hiyuki interjects and reminds him that it has been confirmed that Chihiro will be brought to the Kamunabi.

In the meantime, Tafuku believes that it is ultimately the responsibility of the higher authorities to determine whether the Shinuchi blade should be “sealed”or “utilized.”Chihiro questions the reason behind Kamunabi’s potential use of the blade. The original wielders are currently being taken care of by the organization, while the blades remain in the possession of the bandits.

Tafuku believes that Kamunabi’s advantage in using the Shinuchi Enchanted Blade could alter the current situation with the Hishaku. However, Chihiro remembers his father’s warning that no one should be granted permission to wield the Shinuchi.

Chihiro Rokuhira as seen in Kagurabachi (Image via Shueisha)
Chihiro Rokuhira as seen in Kagurabachi (Image via Shueisha)

He ponders the possibility of finding a solution to the dilemma of breaking the “statement”scenario, thus sparing the Kamunabi from having to resort to using the Shinuchi. Chihiro concurs with Shiba’s statement about feeling restless, but he is aware that his decisions are not careless as he has Hakuri by his side.

In chapter 45 of Kagurabachi, spoilers reveal that Chihiro announces his plan to take the remaining Enchanted Blades from Hishaku. His secret weapon is Hakuri, who has the ability to transfer “registered items”at will. For example, if Chihiro is registered, Enten can also be transferred as it contains his Spirit Energy.

The condition is satisfied by the holders’ Lifelong Contract with the Enchanted Blades. As revealed in Kagurabachi chapter 45 spoilers, Chihiro intends to reach out to the previous Enchanted Blade users at the Kamunabi and have Hakuri officially register them. This will allow him to transfer the Enchanted Blades from Hishaku.

Tafuku, as seen in the manga (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)
Tafuku, as seen in the manga (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

Tafuku informs Chihiro that, in addition to the Sword Saint, there are other individuals who possess the swords, and they are all hidden in Kamunabi-owned territories across Japan. These individuals are heavily guarded by the main forces, as their deaths would allow Hishaku to wield the Enchanted Blades.

Additionally, Chihiro would need authorization from the superiors in order to access the “Sanzou”or Fortresses. Due to the majority of security being stationed at these locations, Kamunabi’s currently has limited available forces.

Hakuri has faith that retrieving the blades would enable the powerful forces to have greater mobility and ensure the safety of all. He agrees with Chihiro’s proposal and encourages him to meet with the former owners. Nevertheless, Hiyuki is skeptical about the feasibility of stealing the blades from Hishaku.

The previous owners of Enchanted Blades (Image via Shueisha)
The previous owners of Enchanted Blades (Image via Shueisha)

Kamunabi may begin to question his own humanity. In the eyes of those in positions of power, they may be hesitant to allow them to meet with the holders. Instead, Kamunabi may resort to carrying out a harsh punishment.

Hiyuki believes that it would be wise to demonstrate their determination to the higher-ups. In chapter 45 of Kagurabachi, Chihiro Rokuhira boldly proclaims his arrival in front of the Kamunabi leaders at their main base, as revealed in the spoilers.

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