Kaiju No. 8 Episode 10: Kafka’s Secret Revealed as Tachikawa Base is Saved

Following a series of unfortunate events during the raid on Tachikawa base, fans were anxiously anticipating the resolution of the battle in Kaiju No. 8 episode 10. The episode was officially released on Saturday, June 15, 2024, and fans were pleased to see that Soshiro Hoshina, with the assistance of Mina Ashiro and Kikoru Shinomiya, emerged victorious over the transformed Daikaiju.

Despite its intelligence, the backup plan of the Kaiju No. 8 in episode 10 ultimately shifted the focus to the final moments of the Third Division. Fortunately, the team was able to successfully thwart the plan and save everyone, although it came at the cost of a major sacrifice from Kafka Hibino.

Kaiju No. 8: Kafka’s Sacrifice for Friendship

Episode Recap

Kaiju No. 8 episode 10 sees Hoshina struggle against his Daikaiju opponent (Image via Production I.G)
Kaiju No. 8 episode 10 sees Hoshina struggle against his Daikaiju opponent (Image via Production I.G)

The tenth episode of Kaiju No. 8 opened with Kafka Hibino rushing towards Soshiro Hoshina’s position as he sensed a shift in the Kaiju he was battling. Hoshina, on the other hand, was seen evading attacks with ease but unable to inflict significant harm. However, at that precise moment, Hoshina’s body began to overheat from utilizing his maximum release.

This gave him only a minute, at most, before his Kaiju foe, accompanied by several wyvern-like creatures, would catch up to him and launch an assault. Despite losing track of them and the Kaiju, Hoshina attempted to surprise them from a nearby building, but his attack failed and he suffered severe injuries. As a result, his maximum release was deactivated, triggering a flashback centered on Hoshina.

In episode 10 of Kaiju No. 8, Hoshina’s father advised the young boy to abandon his dream of joining the Defense Force, stating that he would have been considered a prodigy in the past but in the current era, the use of blades is no longer relevant. However, Hoshina remained determined and pondered about his potential without being able to use his maximum release.

Hoshina is quickly overwhelmed by the Daikaiju in Kaiju No. 8 episode 10 (Image via Production I.G)
Hoshina is quickly overwhelmed by the Daikaiju in Kaiju No. 8 episode 10 (Image via Production I.G)

After requesting a status update on the general base, Hoshina was informed that things were going well. Despite this, he made the decision to continue fighting, putting all of his effort into it. Unfortunately, his efforts proved to be completely ineffective as he was continuously attacked by exploding wyvern-types. As the flashback continued, Hoshina recalled his father’s words, reminding him that his low unleashed combat power for firearms was the reason he should give up.

In episode 10 of Kaiju No. 8, the flashback continued and it was revealed that one of Hoshina’s former commanding officers had given him the same advice. However, upon meeting Mina Ashiro, she had a different message for him. Instead of telling him to give up, she asked for his help. Mina explained that she was the complete opposite of Hoshina, even refusing to use kitchen knives, and she asked him to pave the way for her in their upcoming battle.

Hoshina, visibly moved, didn’t say a word as he continued to unleash all of his named attacks in the present until he was seized by the Kaiju. Seeing Hoshina in distress, Kafka, who had just arrived, was clearly distressed and made the decision to transform in order to rescue him. Despite Reno Ichikawa’s attempts to dissuade him, Kafka proceeded with his transformation.

Ichikawa tries to stop Kafka from acting rashly in Kaiju No. 8 episode 10 (Image via Production I.G)
Ichikawa tries to stop Kafka from acting rashly in Kaiju No. 8 episode 10 (Image via Production I.G)

Despite not being fully committed yet, episode 10 of Kaiju No. 8 showed Mina Ashiro returning to Tachikawa base to attack the Kaiju that Hoshina was fighting. Despite Mina’s attempts, the Kaiju was still able to regenerate and evade her attacks. As a result, Hoshina changed tactics and focused on targeting the Kaiju’s legs in order to limit its mobility.

At that moment, Kikoru Shinomiya arrived and attempted to use her ax on the Kaiju, but was unsuccessful. Hoshina then instructed her to target the areas he opened up with his blades, which proved to be highly effective. However, Shinomiya’s ax eventually overheated. Despite this setback, they had already accomplished enough as Mina now had a clear view of the core and could shoot it. The rest of the Third Division promptly rallied to support Mina and ensure that her shot had a clear path.

In Kaiju No. 8 episode 10, Hoshina played a crucial role in keeping the Kaiju occupied. However, as the Kaiju was about to devour him, Mina raised her combat power to 96%. Hoshina confidently stated that the Kaiju had chosen the wrong people to mess with as Mina unleashed a powerful shot, destroying the creature’s core.

After the attack, the entire Third Division took some time to rest and recuperate. Kafka, who had always dreamed of being a part of the Defense Force since childhood, was seen sobbing as he reflected on the true strength and dedication of his team. He expressed his desire to one day stand alongside Mina, Kikoru, and Hoshina, despite being teased by Ichikawa for showing his emotions. However, Ichikawa reminded him that they were just getting started and had much more to accomplish together.

Despite Mina’s urgent warning for everyone to evacuate, Hoshina realized that there was no time left. The defeated Kaiju they had just faced had revealed that the fight was a draw and now a massive cluster of wyvern-type Kaiju were being ordered to combine into a Yoju bomb by the Kaiju’s final scream. The resulting impact would be equivalent to a nuclear bomb, solidifying the need for immediate action.

Kafka’s sudden movement caught the attention of Mina and the others, who called out to him as he ran past them. They informed him that there was nothing he could do, but Hoshina was curious about how he was able to move so quickly with only 1% combat power. As Kafka transformed into Kaiju No. 8 in front of the entire Third Division, a surprised Hoshina admitted that he had suspected something was amiss but had chosen to ignore it due to his fondness for Kafka.

In episode 10 of Kaiju No. 8, Kafka expressed his sincere apologies to Hoshina, Kikoru, Ichikawa, and the rest of the group, specifically Mina. Her reaction showed surprise as Kafka charged up his energy, determined to rescue Tachikawa base. With a powerful declaration, he flew into the air and headed towards the bomb, declaring himself as an officer of the Third Division and ready to give his all to protect the base.

Kafka’s punch launched the bomb into the sky, causing him to crash back down to Earth. Despite the bomb detonating in mid-air and causing significant damage to the Tachikawa Base area, everyone managed to survive thanks to Kafka’s heroic actions. Still recovering from his stunt, Kafka remained motionless as he declared himself too old for such feats. As Mina approached him, she referred to him as Kaiju No. 8 and informed him that he was being taken into custody. The episode then came to an end.

In review

Despite the constant back and forth between hope and despair throughout Kaiju No. 8 episode 10, it remains one of the most well executed aspects of the episode. Viewers are left in total suspense as they witness the “happy”ending, which is overshadowed by Kafka’s sacrifice. This event appears to have put him in a position for execution or potentially worse consequences.

The Third Division’s blurred lines in understanding Kafka’s true identity are effectively highlighted in the episode. Mina and Hoshina’s reactions demonstrate this, with Mina appearing to suppress her feelings for him in order to follow her moral compass.

In summation

The tenth episode of Kaiju No. 8 sets the stage for a politically charged finale to the first season, as Kafka is apprehended by the Kaiju Defense Force. As the Third Division struggles to conceal this development, viewers can anticipate being introduced to the higher-ranking members of the Kaiju Defense Force through Kafka’s transfer.

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