Kaiju No. 8 episode 3: Kafka and Ichikawa’s Struggle in the Second Exam as Kikoru Shines

On Saturday, April 27, 2024, the highly anticipated third episode of Kaiju No. 8 was released, continuing Kafka Hibino’s journey to join the Kaiju Defense Force. The episode also introduced fans to Soshiro Hoshina, an important supporting character, and showed Mina Ashiro’s interest in Kafka’s exam.

In episode 3 of Kaiju No. 8, viewers were introduced to new supporting characters who will play a bigger role as the series develops. The episode also explored important concepts concerning the Kaiju Defense Force’s strategies. However, the episode concluded with Kafka’s future in the force uncertain, as his last chance to join hangs in the balance.

Kaiju No. 8: Kafka’s Struggle with New Supporting Characters

A Brief Recap of the Episode

Kaiju No. 8 episode 3 kicks off with the continuation of Kikoru Shinomiya's introduction (Image via Production I.G)
Kaiju No. 8 episode 3 kicks off with the continuation of Kikoru Shinomiya’s introduction (Image via Production I.G)

The third episode of Kaiju No. 8 picked up right where the previous one left off, with Kikoru Shinomiya confronting Kafka Hibino about his Kaiju-like scent. Fortunately, Reno Ichikawa explained that they both work for a Kaiju cleanup company. However, Kafka’s actions of single-handedly moving the van that Kikoru had thrown drew unwanted attention to himself.

Kikoru remarked on the possibility of the exam being enjoyable with someone like Kafka present. After uttering these words, Kafka walked away. An enraged Ichikawa scolded Kafka for utilizing his abilities, despite his partial transformation preventing her from seeing anything. Ichikawa even threatened to send Kafka back home if he repeated this behavior. Meanwhile, Kafka psyched himself up for the entrance exam and vowed not to give up this time.

In episode 3 of Kaiju No. 8, Kafka faced difficulties during his physical exam, triggering a flashback to his conversation with Ichikawa about the second round of exams. He received one of the lowest fitness grades, causing Kikoru to approach and outshine him. This caused Kafka to spiral, but Ichikawa praised him for not relying on his powers.

Kaiju No. 8 episode 3 quickly establishes Kafka and Kikoru as friendly rivals (Image via Production I.G)
Kaiju No. 8 episode 3 quickly establishes Kafka and Kikoru as friendly rivals (Image via Production I.G)

Kafka initially argued that it would be unfair to the rest of the team, but he soon admitted that he should have utilized them. Mina Ashiro received a report from Soshiro Hoshina on the top recruits from the group, while Kafka’s report was given by Ichikawa. This was when Haruichi Izuma, Iharu Furuhashi, Aoi Kaguragi, and the highly acclaimed Kikoru Shinomiya, known as the greatest talent ever, were introduced.

During episode 3 of Kaiju No. 8, Ichikawa complimented her by saying she was “the best of the best,”causing her to approach them and boast. Soshiro Hoshina then appeared to guide Kafka and the rest of the group to a designated area for their aptitude test. Their task was to locate and eliminate Kaiju, and they discovered multiple lurking in the area ahead.

Hoshina further informed that a Defense Force Kaiju combat suit would be provided to each individual for the neutralization, similar to the one worn by Kikoru. Konomi Okonogi, a Third Division Operator, then unveiled the unleashed combat abilities of the previously introduced characters.

Central supporting character Soshiro Hoshina is formally introduced in Kaiju No. 8 episode 3 (Image via Production I.G)
Central supporting character Soshiro Hoshina is formally introduced in Kaiju No. 8 episode 3 (Image via Production I.G)

In episode 3 of Kaiju No. 8, the combat powers of Ichikawa, Izumo, Aoi, Iharu, and Kikoru were revealed to be 8%, 18%, 15%, 14%, and 46% respectively. Shockingly, Kafka’s power was shown to be zero, causing Hoshina to descend to their location and initiate the final test. He warned them that if any of them were in grave danger, a shield would be activated, resulting in a failure.

The test commenced with Kikoru immediately taking the lead and defeating Kaiju. Hoshina then revealed that Mina Ashiro was observing the exam, which motivated Kafka to compose himself and concentrate. As a result, Kafka came to the realization that this portion of the test was not solely based on killing Kaiju, but also assessed other crucial aspects.

During episode 3 of Kaiju No. 8, Kafka and Ichikawa made the decision to take on support roles for their team. Kafka, who had previous experience with a particular type of Kaiju during a cleanup, was able to provide valuable insight on how to defeat the creature. He aided in stunning the Kaiju and directed the others to aim for its stomach, resulting in a successful victory. This earned Kafka praise from his peers, including Soshiro Hoshina.

Kafka and Ichikawa continued their frenzied race around the battlefield, with Kafka still holding onto his unwavering optimism. Suddenly, a Kaiju emerged from the chaos and snatched him up in its grasp, propelling him through the air and causing him harm. Hoshina promptly ordered his remote shield to be activated, and Kafka quickly realized that this was most likely their intended strategy.

During the third episode of Kaiju No. 8, Kafka pushed himself to stand despite knowing that Mina was watching. Hoshina was upset about having to activate his remote shield, but at that moment, Kikoru came to Kafka’s rescue. She defeated the Kaiju and reminded Kafka that nobody was allowed to quit when she was on the battlefield.

Kikoru pursued the primary objective, motivating the rest of the group to follow suit. Although Kafka attempted to move, he was hindered by a broken leg. Hoshina then informed them that he appeared to have sustained significant internal injuries, causing Kafka to fear that he would have to surrender.

In episode 3 of Kaiju No. 8, Kafka suddenly recalled his 0% unleashed power and came to the realization that he would never be able to keep up with the others and support Mina. Hoshina then suggested that he should withdraw from the team, as their shields were not completely dependable. Determined, Kafka replied that he would decide when to give up and, with a surge of determination, he stood up and achieved a 0.01% unleashed power as the episode drew to a close.

In Review

Despite being relatively uneventful, episode 3 is a highly informative addition to the series. The creators have managed to present the necessary information in a captivating manner, with the assistance of the newly introduced central supporting characters, which adds an extra level of intrigue and helps to hold viewers’ attention.

In episode 3 of Kaiju No. 8, we see how much joining the Defense Force means to Kafka as he perseveres through his injuries in the final moments. Despite being a rookie, Reno Ichikawa displays natural talent, setting Kafka up to overcome his obstacles and prove himself worthy of the Defense Force.

In summation

Despite setting up the possibility of Kafka quitting the Defense Force, it is more likely that he will continue to push himself in pursuit of his dreams. However, this determination may ultimately lead him to use his Kaiju powers, jeopardizing his dream of becoming a member of the Defense Force permanently.

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