Kaiju No. 8 Episode 7: Kafka vs Kaiju Round 2 Begins as Hoshina Corners an Enemy

The highly anticipated episode 7 of Kaiju No. 8 was officially aired on Saturday, May 25, 2024, continuing the thrilling Spring 2024 anime series. Fans were eager to witness Iharu Furuhashi and Reno Ichikawa’s confrontation with the talking humanoid Kaiju and the outcome of their battle.

As expected, the situation quickly escalated in Kaiju No. 8 episode 7, putting both characters in mortal danger. Fortunately, Kafka Hibino appeared in his titular form to rescue them, successfully driving away the Kaiju enemy. However, the episode ended with another dangerous battle looming for Kafka, one that will be even more deadly than his previous encounter with the talking humanoid Kaiju.

Kaiju No. 8 Episode 7: A Fierce Showdown Between Kafka and Hoshina Looms in Next Installment

Brief Episode Recap

Furuhashi fights against his fate in Kaiju No. 8 episode 7's opening scenes (Image via Production I.G)
Furuhashi fights against his fate in Kaiju No. 8 episode 7’s opening scenes (Image via Production I.G)

The seventh episode of Kaiju No. 8 started off by showcasing Kafka Hibino and Reno Ichikawa’s former cleanup team, who were inquiring about the whereabouts of the new recruit. At the same time, Iharu Furuhashi approached the humanoid Kaiju who could speak and attempted to persuade it to relocate. However, the Kaiju responded by assaulting Iharu in a similar manner as it did to Kikoru, by firing a shot near his heart.

The Kaiju revealed its true form to the duo and expressed its desire to capture one of them alive. It proceeded to disrupt their communication devices, stating that it was making the surrounding area invisible to outside detection. The creature then fired at Ichikawa, managing to graze him twice but missing a direct hit.

In episode 7 of Kaiju No. 8, a flashback was shown where Kikoru shared with Kafka and Ichikawa her knowledge on how to read and avoid the Kaiju’s attacks. After hearing this, Ichikawa instructed Furuhashi to run and seek assistance, to which Furuhashi ultimately agreed. Despite knowing that he would not stand a chance without Kikoru’s help, Ichikawa expressed his desire to be a selfless officer like Kafka, who was willing to sacrifice his life for his friends.

Ichikawa also fails to neutralize the talking humanoid Kaiju in Kaiju No. 8 episode 7 (Image via Production I.G)
Ichikawa also fails to neutralize the talking humanoid Kaiju in Kaiju No. 8 episode 7 (Image via Production I.G)

As Furuhashi questioned how Reno was able to fight the Kaiju so differently from the previous day, he continued firing at the monstrous creature. This triggered a flashback in which Soshiro Hoshina explained the concept of the 20% to 30% unleashed combat power wall, which most people are unable to overcome. The flashback then shifted to Furuhashi being rescued by Mina Ashiro, while he expressed his frustration at still not being strong enough to save others and feeling unchanged since that fateful day.

Kaiju No. 8 episode 7 then shifted its attention back to Ichikawa, who was on the verge of being struck by a powerful attack from the Kaiju. However, Furuhashi came to his rescue and thwarted the attack. Furuhashi then tried to make it clear to Ichikawa that he was the one saving him, which left the Kaiju baffled. He went on to clarify that nothing could leave the designated area without his consent, leaving the duo with no other option but to confront the Kaiju.

Together, Furuhashi and Ichikawa devised a strategy in which Furuhashi would create an opportunity for Ichikawa to attack the Kaiju with a conductor round. This led to a retaliatory strike from the Kaiju, but Furuhashi skillfully evaded it and managed to land another hit on the Kaiju’s leg. In a pivotal moment, Ichikawa pleaded with his suit to grant him greater combat power, surpassing even Kikoru Shinomiya and Ashiro, which seemed to manifest due to his determination and concentration.

Despite the smoke clearing, the shocking truth was revealed in Kaiju No. 8 episode 7 – the Kaiju had been hiding within a wall of Yoju corpses. It emerged and launched a series of devastating sneak attacks on Ichikawa. Hoshina received the alarming news that communication and vital signals from Ichikawa and Furuhashi had been lost, just as the Yoju corpses near Kafka suddenly began to move. Kikoru rushed to Kafka’s location, confirming his worst fears.

Despite being conscious, Ichikawa was rendered immobile and unable to defend himself. Furuhashi attempted to shield him, but was also incapacitated by the Kaiju, which had shifted its attention to Reno. Despite his own injuries, Furuhashi refused to give up, insisting that Ichikawa had a bright future as a captain. However, their only means of defense, a nearby rifle, was damaged, leaving them defenseless and unable to move.

As Furuhashi prayed for his friend Ichikawa’s safety, he was suddenly confronted by the transformed form of Kafka, who had appeared behind the Kaiju. With a powerful punch, Kafka decapitated the Kaiju and sent it flying. Initially unsure and bewildered, Furuhashi was soon informed by the talking humanoid Kaiju that this was Kafka, also known as Kaiju No. 8.

After advising Ichikawa to use the suit to recover, Kafka found a place for him to rest. However, Ichikawa’s main concern was warning Kafka to be cautious, as he had a premonition that something was amiss. The humanoid Kaiju, who could speak, questioned Kafka’s interference and expressed his desire to possess his body and abilities before launching an attack. This made Furuhashi and Ichikawa realize that he had not been taking their fight seriously.

In episode 7 of Kaiju No. 8, Kafka became enraged when he realized that the Kaiju was using the same attacks on his comrades. Despite his attempts to defeat the Kaiju, Kafka was unable to land a fatal blow to its core and only managed to expose it. As he moved in for the final strike, his plans were interrupted by the sudden arrival of soldiers from the Kaiju Defense Force.

Meanwhile, Kikoru was seen fretting over Kafka, triggering a flashback of their conversation before he transformed and set out to find Ichikawa and Furuhashi. Just as she was expressing concern about the dangers of transforming in their current location, reports came in that the Defense Force had found Kafka. As Kafka was caught off guard by their arrival, the Kaiju regenerated and fled, vowing to destroy Kafka when they crossed paths again.

In episode 7 of Kaiju No. 8, the Kaiju attacked the Defense Force Soldiers, causing Kafka to step in and defend them. The Kaiju remarked on Kafka’s human-like actions before leaving. Kafka then needed to find a safe place to detransform. However, the episode concluded with Soshiro Hoshina discovering Kafka in his Kaiju No. 8 form, trapping him and attempting to end his life.

Review of Kaiju No. 8 Episode 7

One of the standout elements of episode 7 is how it unveils the true situation Kafka faces as a Kaiju Defense Force member with the ability to transform into a Kaiju. This is effectively portrayed by highlighting the challenges it presents in dealing with both Kaiju enemies and human allies.

In episode 7 of Kaiju No. 8, the stage is set for the upcoming eighth episode’s worst-case scenario: the impending fight between Hoshina and Kafka. Additionally, this episode presents Kafka with a philosophical dilemma – whether to prioritize his own life or that of Hoshina, who possesses impressive skills as the Third Division Vice-Captain.

Kaiju No. 8: Episode 7 – In Summation

In general, episode 7 provides viewers with an enjoyable experience that builds anticipation for a thrilling battle between Kafka and Hoshina in the next installment. This confrontation is expected to be intense, but it may also serve as a wake-up call for Kafka as he becomes aware of the risks involved in transforming during a mission. Similarly, Hoshina’s sharp perception and existing suspicions of Kafka may lead him to uncover some revelations during his fight against Kaiju No. 8.

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