Kang Daniel: The Future of KONNECT Entertainment

The performer’s solo leaves fans feeling emotional.

On June 9, Kang Daniel made an announcement on his official Instagram account about his departure from the company he founded, KONNECT Entertainment. He shared a post on his account to inform his followers.

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Based on his letter, the ex-CEO spent time contemplating his experience with KONNECT and conveyed appreciation to his supporters, DANITYs. Despite expressing remorse for the negative end to his tenure with the company, Kang Daniel remains determined to continue his work with determination.

In addition, Kang Daniel provided reassurance to DANITYs about his promising future and pledged to share positive updates as soon as they become available. See the complete statement below:

“Hello. This is Kang Daniel.

It’s already halfway through this year and as the weather gets hotter, I realize how fast time is. My journey with KONNECT, which has been a fence for me for the past five years and something that has taught me about responsibility, has come to an end.

I want to convey my deepest gratitude to all the executives and employees who have cried and laughed with us while leading KONNECT. I will never forget this feeling.

Although it is, with great regret, that I have to end my journey with bad news, I will continue to work hard as we always have. This will also be a time to think a lot about a better future.

To my DANITYs, who must be thinking of me more than anyone else, I will always be by your side as Kang Daniel. I’ll try my best to share the good news with you as soon as possible, so don’t worry too much and please eat good meals.

Thank you.”

The DANITYs responded to his sincere letter:

  • “You worked really hard this past five years as KONNECT CEO & as artist Kang Daniel and I’m proud of you.”
  • “I hope you are doing well. Just take care of yourself and don’t worry about us because you will always have us beside you.”
  • “I will always be by your side as DANITY.”
  • “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. We are always here by your side.”
  • “You did your best! I’m always by your side and support you.”

On May 20, Kang Daniel initiated legal proceedings against a prominent shareholder identified as Mr. “A.”According to reports, the lawsuit was filed in response to accusations of falsifying documents, embezzlement, breach of trust, and the unauthorized release of confidential information.

On May 21, a Korean news outlet, Star News, released an exclusive report about the departure of several artists from KONNECT Entertainment. These artists include soloists Kang Daniel, Yuju, Chancellor, and dance group WE DEM BOYZ.

According to K-Media, the company was close to shutting down and its office in Sinsadong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, was being cleared out.

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