After the release of chapter 425 of My Hero Academia, the manga series foreshadowed the upcoming story arc centered around the fate of Toya Todoroki. Following the intense battle between Shoto Todoroki and Dabi, many fans believed the villain had met his end and would not make a comeback.
Despite initial beliefs, Dabi did not actually pass away but was instead being kept alive through life support. This was hinted at in the latest manga chapter, where Endeavor is shown looking towards a machine occupied by someone who is likely his eldest son, Toya Todoroki.
Despite the potential for Dabi to make a comeback in the series, fans vehemently opposed the idea, viewing it as excessively harsh.
Please be aware that this article includes spoilers from the My Hero Academia manga.
Why Dabi forcefully being kept alive is too cruel?
Despite Dabi’s appearance in My Hero Academia chapter 425, fans were still hopeful that manga creator Kohei Horikoshi would find a way to keep Dabi alive against his will, as his family would undoubtedly desire it.
Despite their belief that Dabi had endured a great deal, they were hesitant to portray his story in such a way. This was due to his previous struggles, such as his battle with Shoto Todoroki which resulted in severe brain damage and a gradual freezing of his body. It was becoming increasingly clear that the oldest Todoroki sibling’s life was in jeopardy.
The narrative in chapter 425 made it clear that Shoto Todoroki was heading to the hospital to say goodbye to his older brother, indicating the dire situation. If, by some chance, Dabi were to survive, it would undermine the entire story arc.
How Fans Reacted to the Possibility of Dabi Surviving
Fans shared a common belief that Dabi’s death would be the ideal conclusion to his character development. He had endured numerous hardships, so keeping him alive solely for the sake of his family would be considered poor writing. One fan even argued that his character and backstory were superior to that of his family, making it less important for him to remain alive.
“Dabi literally needs to rest bc like? Keeping him alive only for the sake of his fam and their writing is bad writing for his character,”one fan said.
One fan theorized about Kohei Horikoshi’s intentions for his readers. The speculation suggested that the author’s two-week hiatus from the manga was to allow fans to brace themselves for a potentially heartbreaking event, such as the potential death of Dabi.
Fans hoped for the Todoroki family to have the opportunity to say goodbye to Toya in peace before his passing.
“Hori-sensei giving readers two whole weeks just to prepare for the heartbreak,”another fan said.
“I really Hope the Family can say goodbye and He can finally die in peace,”another said.
“We have no idea of toga’s fate,”other fan said.
Amidst all of this, there were fans who were particularly worried about the fate of Himiko Toga. Her last appearance was when she assisted Ochako Uraraka in recovering from her injuries. Since then, her whereabouts have remained a mystery. Hopefully, the manga will soon tie up her story arc as well.
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