Kick Leadership Disputes and Disturbing Allegations from Ex-Staff Amid Internal Investigation

Kick’s management has addressed a string of concerning accusations made by a former employee against the platform.

A video was posted on June 17 by a former Kick staff member, who only identified herself as ‘Melissa’. In the video, she made accusations that the platform’s social media team openly made racist comments and claimed that higher-ups intentionally offered a lower amount of money to a Twitch streamer who was fighting cancer in order to get them to join the site.

According to Melissa, Kick offered this streamer, who is believed to be Kyedae, less money because “she likely believes she won’t be around for much longer.”

Despite the backlash against the platform, Melissa’s video quickly gained popularity within the streaming community. The Kick staff has taken notice of the allegations and is currently conducting an investigation, though they have cast doubt on the validity of the claims.

During a discussion on X, Andrew Santamaria, Head of Strategic Partnerships at Kick, expressed his thoughts on the remarks, stating that they do not align with the Kick he is familiar with. He also emphasized the platform’s dedication to listening to its creators and striving to be the top streaming destination globally.

He reaffirmed his stance during a live stream, stating that Melissa’s allegations were undermining the exceptional efforts of Kick’s employees.

“Our internal team was never made aware of any of these claims, nor were they ever brought up to anyone in a senior leadership position. Despite [Kick co-founder] Eddie reaching out to her on Twitter, there was never an opportunity for her to express her thoughts or concerns.”

Even after watching the YouTube video, Santamaria remained perplexed as to why he and other Kick staff members were not made aware of these complaints earlier.

“Why is this the first time this topic is being mentioned? And why is it being brought up in such a manner?”he inquired.

Despite this, Santamaria disclosed that the team is actively investigating the claims. However, the supposed absence of evidence is posing a challenge to their investigation.

The speaker stated that the team will thoroughly examine any evidence that is presented. They are taking the allegations seriously and conducting an internal investigation, even though no evidence has been provided. The team’s top priority is to determine the truth behind these allegations, regardless of their nature.

Despite not being the only one to have doubts about the claims, popular streamer Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel also expressed concern about the suggestion that Kyedae was offered a contract.

“He disclosed that I had even dispatched individuals to look into whether Kick had ever spoken to Kyedae, but I received no information.”

Despite Kick and xQc’s comments, Melissa has not responded yet. However, when streamer JakeFuture denied claims that Kick had “decimated” his rate, she stood firm in her position.

“I apologize, JakeFuture, for involving you in this situation. However, I simply shared a conversation that had taken place. I am not sure if my video influenced their decision, but I am relieved that you were able to keep your contract,”she explained.

Despite the potential legal repercussions for her video, Melissa has asserted that she is unconcerned and willing to file for bankruptcy if Kick chooses to take her to court.

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