Kick streamer N3on resurfaces after Dubai arrest to “Take Full Accountability”

After being arrested in Dubai, streamer N3on has resurfaced and stated that he is taking “full responsibility”for his actions, while providing a thorough explanation of what occurred.

Despite being arrested, N3on has resumed streaming to inform his audience about the events that occurred in Dubai and the reasons for his arrest.

During a brief 30-minute stream on Kick, N3on made his return and touched upon the events that resulted in his detainment in Dubai. According to N3on, the team was recording in a restricted area, which led to an unfavorable situation.

N3on clarified that he does not hold his cameraman responsible for filming the police, as it was not intentional on their part. He acknowledges that it was he who placed the cameraman in that situation.

“The truth is, we unintentionally captured footage of the police… It was the idiot’s doing, but I don’t hold him responsible. I accept full responsibility as it was my mistake.”

After the incident, N3on announced that he had terminated his security team. He also shared details about his brief stint in prison, revealing that he was held for approximately 37 hours. The streamer mentioned that he was recognized by a few inmates who had watched his streams.

The experience demonstrated to me that actions have repercussions, my friend. You cannot simply wander around in Dubai, an incredibly secure and esteemed location, and film whatever you please with the belief that you will not face any consequences.

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