Kim Hye-yoon on Her Role in ‘Lovely Runner’ and Journey as an Actress

On the 20th, the July issue of fashion magazine Cosmopolitan featured a photoshoot and interview with Kim Hye-yoon.

During the photoshoot in Bali, Indonesia, Kim Hye-yoon once again captivated her fans with her fresh charm.

During the accompanying interview, Kim Hye-yoon openly discussed her experience portraying Im Sol in the recently ended hit drama ‘Running with Seon-jae.’ According to Kim, ‘Lovely Runner’ was akin to reading someone’s personal diary. It was a valuable opportunity for her to live as Im Sol from her teenage years to her 30s. She also expressed how much she gained and grew from the experience.

kim hye yoon

She explained that playing Sol was a unique experience for her. She had portrayed teenage characters before, but Sol was the first one whose inner self was in her 30s despite her youthful appearance. To convey this sophisticated side of Sol, she incorporated subtle nuances and expressions that are not typically used by teenagers.

Despite having been an actress for over ten years, Kim Hye-yoon maintains a strict attitude towards herself. She takes pride in her strict nature as it pushes her to constantly strive for excellence in all aspects of her career. She believes that by acknowledging her past regrets and continuously making efforts to improve, she has been able to achieve personal growth. While she admits that she has yet to reach a point where she is completely satisfied with her work, she hopes that with more time and experience, she will be able to reach that level. And when she does, she looks forward to fully embracing and enjoying that moment.

She explained, “When I’m not acting, I have a tendency to be very laid-back, as if I am selecting and concentrating on something (laughs). However, when it comes to the acting that I am passionate about and want to excel in, I push myself to be disciplined and give my all.”

Kim Hye-yoon also expressed her thoughts on the conclusion of ‘Lovely Runner.’ She believed that if Seon-jae (portrayed by Byun Woo-seok) had not regained his memories of Sol, she would have been devastated and spent her days in constant tears. Therefore, she was grateful for the current ending.

In addition, she remarked, “I intend to spend my time in Bali binge-watching ‘Lovely Runner’,”accompanied by a charming note.

Ultimately, she expressed, “I have been told that my work has brought comfort to many. I may not be exceptional, but the ability to make a positive difference in someone’s life through my acting is deeply significant to me. My aim is to continue spreading positivity and good vibes to numerous individuals through the ‘ingredient’ that is Kim Hye-yoon.”

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