Kim Hyun Joong reveals the faces of his wife and children for the first time! The full moon banquet brought his son to appear in love, which is exactly like “The Lion King”: “I will raise him well”

(Cover image source: SNS)

According to Korean media, Kim Hyun Joong held his son’s full moon banquet somewhere in Seoul on the 29th of last month, and for the first time disclosed the appearance of his wife and son.

The full moon banquet invited relatives, friends and people from the entertainment industry, and it was very grand. Kim Hyun Joong and his wife entered the venue together, accompanied by the theme song of the movie “The Lion King”, raising his son with both hands, introducing his son to the guests like the old lion king introducing Simba, the wife beside him is also very beautiful.

Kim Hyun Joong said: “I will raise the child well so that everyone can see how he grows up every year, 10 years, and 20 years.”

The master of ceremonies for the full moon banquet is actor Park Hyo-joon, who is currently active as a YouTuber under the name “burger brother”, and met Kim Hyun-joong through the music production program “Parasite Expedition”in 2020.

(Source: SNS)
(Source: SNS)

In addition, Kim Hyun Joong debuted as a member of SS501 in 2005, and is also very active as an actor. In February last year, he announced at the concert that he would marry his girlfriend outside the circle, saying that the other party was “the person who stayed by my side during the hardest and most difficult times.”On October 29 of the same year, he gave birth to a son.

In November last year, Kim Hyun Joong revealed on a TV program that he and his wife have been dating since the second year of high school to the early stage of their debut, and then experienced many breakups and reunions: “When I felt that there was only family in the world, I hoped that there would be someone who would always stand by my side, so I decided to get married. My wife is a very realistic and wise person. Compared with material commitments, I think the best reward is not to go astray and to maintain the family well.”

Mentioning his son is also full of love: “Watching my son grow up day by day, I feel very similar to when I was a child. Now I am very proficient in changing diapers and bathing.”When the regular third album “My Sun”was released in February this year, he also mentioned his son: “There is a son who needs my energy. The son is definitely one of the opportunities to change me.”

(Source: FB@kimhyunjoong)

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