Kim Hyun-joong’s Corn Farming Journey Ends in Disaster: What Do I Do, They’re All Dead

A video titled “Yes, It’s Corn (EP.20 No Solid Answers)” was uploaded to the YouTube channel “KIM HYUN JOONG.official” on August 28th.

In the video, Kim Hyun-joong voiced his worry about the poor quality of the soil, stating, “Hasn’t the soil become too barren? The entrance to my land seems to have vanished.”His field was completely overgrown with weeds, giving it the appearance of a dense jungle.

Kim Hyun-joong was disappointed to find that the majority of the corn had perished, exclaiming, “Almost all of the corn is dead. It’s not even edible, it’s just mini corn. What am I going to do?”Luckily, a few tomatoes managed to grow.


The man expressed, “I believe tomato farming is better suited for me. What will I do with all of this dead corn?”The village chief clarified, “The corn did not die, you simply missed the harvest season. If you plant corn closely together, there will be less room for weeds to grow.”

Kim Hyun-joong began by clearing the surrounding weeds and then resolved to salvage the remaining corn. However, upon inspection, he discovered that the inside of the corn had decayed.

After discovering stunted mini corn, he angrily threw it down and exclaimed, “Why did it grow like this?”However, he eventually came across a section where some corn had managed to survive.

Despite his efforts to select the good corn, he ultimately had to throw it away as it was either infested with bugs or spoiled. After thinking about his time spent farming, Kim Hyun-joong expressed, “It feels a little hollow,”marking the end of his three-month farming journey.

The source for this article can be found at the link provided:

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