Kim Jae-joong Opens Up About Sasaengfans, “They Even Asked For My DNA”

Kim Jae-joong Opens Up About Sasaengfans, “They Even Asked For My DNA”

On July 14th, in the morning, Kim Jae-joong made a guest appearance on KBS’s “Park Myung-soo’s Radio Show”. Park Myung-soo was filled with joy to have Kim Jae-joong on his radio show for the first time and to reunite with him after a long time.

During the introduction of Kim Jae-joong’s latest album, Park Myung-soo shared the story of the male artist having to reprint 80,000 copies. Kim Jae-joong clarified, “I didn’t have to redo the photos. I just discovered a typo on the lyrics sheet.”

Kim Jae Joong

Kim Jae-joong provided updates on his current location, which included his presence on the red carpet at the 28th Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival’s opening ceremony. He also shared details about his cooking abilities and daily routine, including his interactions with his seven older sisters and thirteen nephews and nieces, which were recently featured on “Stars’ Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant”.

Despite having been in the industry for a significant amount of time, Kim Jae-joong continues to maintain a strong fanbase in Japan, evident by his successful arena tour. His YouTube series “Jae Friends”has also gained considerable popularity. However, there is still one concern that troubles Kim Jae-joong – sasaeng fans.

Kim Jae Joong

Kim Jae-joong, known for his love for his fans, recently shared a shocking experience, saying, “Some sasaeng fans went as far as asking for my DNA and even trying to pull my hair. This kind of behavior is completely unacceptable.”Park Myung-soo expressed surprise, questioning, “Do such people really exist?”Kim Jae-joong confirmed, “I have encountered them several times.”

Kim Jae Joong

Kim Jae-joong clarified his previous statement about not wanting to get married but having his sperm frozen, stating that he disposed of it earlier this year around February to March as it had already expired. He no longer freezes his sperm as he believes the current conditions are not the same as before.

Finally, Kim Jae-joong discussed his latest album “FLOWER GARDEN”as a celebration of his 20th year in the music industry. He expressed his dedication to delivering flawless performances and promised to continue performing tirelessly. He also urged fans to show their love and support for the album’s title track, “Glorious Day”.

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