Kim Jaejoong Shares Stunning Celebrity-Like Older Sisters: Meet His 8 Beautiful Siblings

On the September 20th episode of KBS 2TV’s “Convenience Store Restaurant,” viewers will get an inside look at Kim Jaejoong’s large and unique family, featuring his numerous sisters. As the youngest child in a family of nine, Kim Jaejoong will share heartfelt stories about the love and support he received during his upbringing, as well as how he currently takes care of his family as an international star. This episode promises to deliver plenty of laughter and joy as audiences witness the heartwarming connections within Kim Jaejoong’s family.

In the VCR footage, fans will see Kim Jaejoong cooking alongside his mother, as they prepare an enormous meal for his sizable family. The amount of ingredients looks excessive for just one meal. Nonetheless, Kim Jaejoong and his mom dive into cooking without any hesitation. Soon, the doorbell rings, revealing five of his eight sisters, accompanied by six nieces and nephews.

Kim Jaejoong

Previously, on “Convenience Store Restaurant,” Kim Jaejoong introduced his oldest sister, who is 20 years his senior. In this episode, viewers will be introduced to more of his sisters, each showcasing their own distinctive personalities. As each sister arrives with her children, Kim Jaejoong greets them with warm hugs. Elated to see his siblings, he displays his playful charm as the youngest child, bringing smiles and laughter to the room.

As the big family gathers, the feast that Kim Jaejoong and his mother prepared is unveiled, dish by dish. There’s so much food that the table appears as if it might collapse under the weight, but the large family quickly digs in. Even Chef Lee Yeon-bok, who was observing the event, remarked, “This quantity of food looks like it’s intended for a catering event.”

Fans will also get a glimpse of Kim Jaejoong and his sisters’ genuine sibling dynamics. In one lighthearted moment, one of his nieces/nephews mentions, “My friend thinks my uncle is BTS. They say you’re handsome.” One of Kim Jaejoong’s sisters teasingly counters, “BTS is better looking.” While Kim Jaejoong initially seemed pleased by the compliment from his niece/nephew, viewers will have to watch the show to see his reaction to his sister’s cheeky comment. This fun family moment and more will air on “Convenience Store Restaurant” on Friday, September 20th at 8:30 PM on KBS 2TV.

Source: Daum


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