In a harrowing world where an imminent apocalyptic event unfolds due to a devastating solar explosion, unexpected “visitors” emerge from the ground, bringing an atmosphere of unease and suspicion. As the protagonist faces the uncertainty of who to trust, each decision made at the door will lead to a different fate. What consequences will your choices carve out in this gripping narrative?
“No, I’m Not a Human” invites players to explore six divergent endings, heavily influenced by the choices made throughout the game. However, this demo version lacks cinematic scenes, instead displaying outcomes succinctly on a dark screen, making it challenging to fully experience their impact.
Spoiler Alert: The following sections detail critical aspects of the game’s storyline and endings.
1. Exploring All Endings in No, I’m Not A Human
Your interactions with the enigmatic visitors significantly shape the narrative’s outcome. Whether you choose to let them in, eliminate them, or refuse entry, the crux of the story remains constant: the protagonist ultimately barricades themselves indoors, desperate for the harrowing ordeal to conclude. Nevertheless, the dynamic between you and the “visitors” alters the story’s resolution in notable ways, providing a glimpse into the repercussions of your decisions.
Below is a comprehensive list of the six endings available in “No, I’m Not a Human,” ranked from least to most favorable. Additionally, a helpful table summarizes the various visitors and humans encountered.
Visitors | Humans |
Homeless Woman Cold Woman Man in Amogus T-shirt Man in Suit Bearded Man Woman in Yellow Shirt |
Tall Man Widow (with Corpse) Old Doctor (Surgeon) Guy in Stained T-shirt Little Girl (Neighbor’s Daughter) |
i. The Worst Ending
The game reaches its darkest outcome when you allow more than three visitors into your home. By either rejecting the humans or welcoming everyone, the situation escalates and leads to the death of a human guest at the hands of the visitors. With the protagonist now solely surrounded by malicious visitors, a brutal fate awaits, culminating in a horrifying demise within 24 hours, as the visitors mockingly declare this a “gift.”
ii. The Bad Ending
Unlock the Bad Ending by telling a visitor you are alone, regardless of the truth. This choice lures you outside your protective haven and into the perilous unknown. The protagonist’s fate remains shrouded in mystery, with their home left desolate, and neighbors too terrified to approach.
iii. The Neutral Ending
The Neutral Ending requires you to eliminate a mix of visitors and humans from the house. You must be cautious not to kill everyone, or the final visitor will force a confrontation. To achieve this ending, aim to eliminate over half of the guests. Allow everyone in, then strategically dispose of four visitors and two humans. Regardless of who remains, the outcome is tragic, as you perish under the sun’s lethal rays.
iv. The Good Ending
Achieving the “Peace of Mind” ending requires careful planning. You must kill a minimum of two visitors and, from the fourth night onward, permit only humans into your home while denying entry to any visitors. This ensures that the human presence is sustained, protecting your guests. Over time, you and your fellow humans can fortify your home, boarding up windows and doors, and gaining a sense of security from the horrors that lurk outside.
v. The Best Ending
For the coveted Best Ending, prioritize allowing all humans in while firmly denying every visitor at your door. It’s crucial to maintain this strategy since FEMA will eventually take two individuals. If you follow this plan correctly, you can conclude the game with four humans on the final night, ensuring a greater chance of survival.
vi. The Speedrun Ending
Unlocking the Speedrun Ending involves a rapid completion of the game. By skipping dialogues and rushing through the gameplay, you achieve an ending that humorously undermines your haste.
We hope this guide aids you in navigating the intricate choices of the game and discovering its multiple endings. Remember, the essence of horror lies within the unknown, so take time to immerse yourself in the haunting atmosphere and narrative.
2. Discovering No, I’m Not a Human
“No, I’m Not a Human” is an indie horror demo developed by Trioskaz and published by Critical Reflex. Players navigate a perilous environment where each night presents the critical decision of whom to shelter from the impending doom—humans seeking refuge or “visitors” with sinister motives. Your strategic choices will directly influence the outcomes for both the invaders and yourself, ultimately dictating your survival.
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