Top Ten Anime You Can Watch With Your Whole Family

Top Ten Anime You Can Watch With Your Whole Family

Despite having a diverse selection of genres available, it is important to exercise caution when watching anime on the living room television with family present. While your mother may not appreciate the graphic fight scenes with blood and violence, the unexpected fanservice may garner more than a few disapproving looks.

To avoid having your anime-watching privileges taken away, it is important to be cautious about the shows you watch around your family. Below is a thorough list of family-friendly anime that you can enjoy together, and possibly even introduce them to the world of anime.

10. Delicious Delights and Family Bonds

Join the journey of a kind and diligent high-school teacher and his daughter as they adjust to life following the loss of his wife. With his busy schedule and lack of cooking skills, Kouhei struggles to provide his daughter with nutritious meals and is filled with concern. In order to provide the best care for his daughter, Kouhei makes the decision to seek assistance from one of his students.

볼만한 가족 친화적인 애니메이션 상위 10개
Sweetness and Lightning | Source: Crunchyroll

The anime Sweetness and Lightning is a touching tale that highlights the value of enjoying hearty, homemade meals and cherishing the opportunity to dine with loved ones, something that is often overlooked. It is an ideal show to watch with your family, as it will fill you with warmth and joy.

9. Tanaka-kun Is Always Carefree

Tanaka is content with his ideal listless lifestyle, often occupied with ignoring others and dozing off at any given opportunity. The idea of exerting effort is a daunting task for Tanaka, who relies on the support of his loved ones to get by. The narrative centers around Tanaka, whose greatest desire is to live a mundane existence, but he frequently finds himself drawn into unexpected circumstances.

볼만한 가족 친화적인 애니메이션 상위 10개
Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless | Source: Crunchyroll

Tanaka-Kun is Always Listless is a relaxed and easy-going comedy that centers around Tanaka and his friends, who refuse to leave him be. It serves as a perfect way to unwind after a long day and is highly recommended for families. You may receive occasional playful jabs about being like Tanaka, but nothing too difficult to handle. Let’s face it, we’ve all heard worse.

8. Bocchi: The Unstoppable Force

Despite her shyness and introverted nature, Gotou Hitori has always dreamed of becoming a guitarist. However, her struggles with reaching out and making friends have made her doubt her ability to achieve her dream. That is until she meets Nijika, a charismatic and outgoing drummer who introduces her to the world of music. Join Hitori as she navigates her fears and takes the stage alongside Nijika.

볼만한 가족 친화적인 애니메이션 상위 10개
Bocchi The Rock! | Source: Crunchyroll

As an introvert, Hitori’s decision to come out of her shell leads to hilarious situations, especially considering her extreme introversion. The story is well-paced and consistently builds up, making each episode eagerly anticipated. The characters’ charming quirks and wholesome relationships effortlessly carry the plot.

7. Tips for Successful Babysitting as a Yakuza

Due to repeatedly finding himself in perilous circumstances, Kirishima is tasked with the responsibility of protecting his boss’ daughter, Yaeka, until further notice. This heartwarming comedy chronicles Yaeka’s daily routine as she gradually grows fond of the intimidating yet enjoyable Kirishima. Despite their contrasting personalities, the young child and the Yazuka clan’s trusted aide form a bond and become companions.

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Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting | Source: Official Website

It’s hard to deny the appeal of strong men with troubled pasts who harbor a soft spot for kids. Kirishima’s love for fighting makes it amusing to see him put in so much effort to win over a kindergartener. The unexpected change in their routines and their comical reactions to it make for great family entertainment.

6. Friendly Fathers

Kazuki and Rei, a duo of assassins, unexpectedly find themselves taking on the role of parents when they come across a four-year-old girl named Miri during one of their missions. With the intention of keeping her safe until they can reunite her with her mother, Kazuki and Rei take Miri under their wing. However, their plans take an unexpected turn and Miri ends up staying with them for the long haul. Join Kazuki and Rei as they navigate the challenges of raising a child while also maintaining their dangerous lifestyle.

볼만한 가족 친화적인 애니메이션 상위 10개
Buddy Daddies | Source: Crunchyroll

Is ‘Not One but Two Assassins and Their Parenting Diary’ piquing your interest? It should, especially since it follows the lives of two men with opposite personalities who share a living space. As they embark on the unpredictable journey of parenthood, navigating their troubled pasts and facing high expectations, Rei and Kazuki will surely keep you entertained, with Miri at the helm. Join them on their hilarious and heartwarming adventures, perfect for a family viewing.

5. Childcare at School

Following the passing of his parents, Ryuchi, a high school student, must adjust to his new responsibilities as the guardian of his younger brother, Kotaro. In order to have a place to live, he is given the opportunity to work as a school babysitter. Though the job may not seem too difficult, the club is severely understaffed and has a diverse group of children with varying personalities that he must handle.

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School Babysitters | Source: Crunchyroll

This heartwarming story will surely tug at your heartstrings and may even make you shed a few tears. It is a must-see for the whole family. The adorable children in the film will capture your heart and their relationships with their loved ones and peers create an endearing plot that will leave you feeling satisfied and joyful.

4. Way of the Househusband: A Unique Take on the Yakuza World

Abandoning his underworld life, the notorious yakuza, Immortal Tatsu, has transformed into a dedicated househusband. His unexpected return, complete with an apron, has shocked everyone after his disappearance. As he adapts to the mundane tasks of daily life, Tatsu must navigate new hurdles and face misunderstandings due to his past reputation.

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Way Of The Househusband | Source: Twitter

The plot of the story may cause you to do a double take, as the transformation from a fearsome yakuza to a loving and dedicated househusband is not a common theme. Tatsu’s change from using a pipe as a weapon to using it to beat dust out of blankets is more related to his job than his character. This lighthearted comedy is a great choice for a relaxing evening with your family after a busy day.

3. Bakemonogatari

Despite being a talented rising star in calligraphy, Seishuu’s narcissistic behavior often rubbed others the wrong way. When his award-winning piece was criticized as “unoriginal,”he lost his temper and landed in trouble. As punishment, he was exiled to a remote island where he was forced to reflect on his actions and find new inspiration. However, with nosy neighbors constantly intruding, Seishuu found himself dealing with more than he had expected, but ultimately, it turned out to be a positive experience.

볼만한 가족 친화적인 애니메이션 상위 10개
Barakamon | Source: Fandom

Filled with a diverse and lovable cast of energetic children, passionate fujoshis, and eccentric elderly men who impart unexpected lessons, Barakamon is a delightful comedy that will surely capture your heart. Enjoy this heartwarming slice-of-life anime with your loved ones and relive the joyful moments spent together, whether it be through laughter or friendly debates, all rooted in love.

2. Haikyuu: Volleyball Kings

Hinata refuses to let his small height hinder his dream of becoming a great volleyball player. Despite their past rivalry, he must work with Kageyama, the tyrant prodigy who defeated him in middle school. Together, these passionate high schoolers strive to overcome all obstacles and achieve their ultimate goal of becoming the best.

볼만한 가족 친화적인 애니메이션 상위 10개
Haikyuu!! | Source: Crunchyroll

스포츠를 주제로 한 애니메이션은 흥행에 실패할 수도 있지만, 최고의 애니메이션은 언제나 인기를 끌고 있다는 점에는 의심의 여지가 없습니다. 하이큐!! 목표를 달성하고 도전을 극복하는 데 중점을 둔 매혹적인 스토리와 거부하기 어려운 사랑스러운 캐릭터를 갖춘 는 이에 대한 완벽한 예입니다. 이 애니메이션이 가족이 가장 좋아하는 애니메이션이라는 것은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 하지만 하이큐를 보면서 겪을 수 있는 가장 큰 딜레마!! 응원할 팀을 선택하는 중입니다.

1 . 스파이 x 가족: 간첩 활동과 가족 역학에 관한 스릴 넘치는 이야기

잠복 스파이임에도 불구하고 주인공은 자신의 임무를 돕기 위해 임시 가족을 모은다. 그는 자신이 아는 바가 거의 없으며 그의 아내는 숙련된 암살자이고 그의 딸은 텔레파시 능력을 가지고 있습니다. 각자의 비밀을 품고 있는 그들은 가족을 온전하게 지킬 뿐만 아니라 세계 평화 달성이라는 공동의 목표를 향해 함께 노력해야 합니다.

볼만한 가족 친화적인 애니메이션 상위 10개
스파이 x 가족 | 출처: 공식 홈페이지

의심할 여지 없이 Spy x Family는 가족에게 소개할 최고의 프로그램입니다. 사랑스러운 캐릭터와 그들의 재미있는 익살스러움은 여러분의 웃긴 뼈를 간지럽히는데 결코 실패하지 않습니다. 매력적이고 유머러스하며 마음이 따뜻해지는 이 애니메이션은 모든 연령대에 적합하며 가족의 중요성을 기념합니다.

입상: 아바타 – 라스트 에어벤더

원소와 무술의 힘을 마음껏 쓸 수 있는 세상에 살고 있음에도 불구하고 아앙은 반드시 성취해야 할 운명을 안고 있습니다. 그는 오랫동안 기다려온 아바타라는 무게를 어깨에 짊어지지 않고 단순한 삶을 살고 싶어합니다. 그러나 주변 세계가 전쟁에 휩싸이면서 Aang은 자신의 운명을 받아들이고 문제가 있는 세상에 평화를 가져오기 위해 여행을 떠납니다.

볼만한 가족 친화적인 애니메이션 상위 10개
아바타: 라스트 에어벤더 | 출처 : IMDb

매혹적인 스토리라인과 놀라운 애니메이션을 포함하여 Avatar: The Last Airbender의 뛰어난 품질을 간과할 수 없습니다. 이 쇼는 사랑스러운 캐릭터를 통해 다양한 과제를 효과적으로 해결하므로 진정으로 영향력 있는 경험을 위해 사랑하는 사람과 함께 꼭 봐야 할 공연입니다.

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