Konosuba season 3 episode 4 review: Kazuma and co prepare for battle with the Devil King Army as the noble thief is revealed

The highly-anticipated third season of Konosuba continued with the official release of episode 4 on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 in Japan. This installment reverted back to the series’ comedic roots, with the entire episode filled with humorous moments and interactions between characters.

Despite the focus on plot advancement, Konosuba season 3 episode 4 does not sacrifice any key storylines. In fact, the events of this installment set up important narratives, including a looming battle with the Devil King Army and the reveal of the identity of the thief, who bears resemblance to Robin Hood.

Konosuba season 3 episode 4: Hilarious antics and a thrilling setup for the next episode

Summary of the episode

Konosuba season 3 episode 4 begins at Lord Alderp's mansion given Iris' mission for Kazuma and co (Image via Drive)
Konosuba season 3 episode 4 begins at Lord Alderp’s mansion given Iris’ mission for Kazuma and co (Image via Drive)

The fourth episode of Konosuba season 3 opened with Lord Alderp skeptically examining the appearance of Kazuma and his group. Aqua and Megumin also joined in on complaining to Kazuma simultaneously. Alderp then warned Megumin not to destroy his property once again, before expressing his disapproval to Darkness about how their reputation has negatively impacted his public image.

During the process, he reassured Darkness that they were all welcome to stay for as long as they needed, which led to the other three bickering over where to sleep. Later that day, Kazuma strolled around Alderp’s mansion, longing for the comfort of the castle and Iris. As he wandered, he stumbled upon Alderp in a peculiar room with a mirror, a chair, and a table adorned with food and drinks.

In episode 4 of Konosuba season 3, it was revealed that the item in question was a magic mirror. Kazuma had intended to use it to spy on Darkness while she bathed. He then asked Alderp to leave the room so he could keep an eye on his companions and prevent anyone else from spying on them. When Alderp refused, Kazuma threatened to expose his secret room to his maids. Their argument was interrupted when Darkness discovered them.

Kazuma and co get a little too "at home" in Lord Alderp's mansion in Konosuba season 3 episode 4 (Image via Drive)
Kazuma and co get a little too “at home” in Lord Alderp’s mansion in Konosuba season 3 episode 4 (Image via Drive)

After breaking the magic mirror, nothing of significance occurred for the next three days. On the fourth day, Megumin and Kazuma once again shared a scene that further developed their feelings for each other, with Megumin’s strong feelings for Kazuma being the focus. She even invited him to join her for breakfast and then a “date,”which turned out to be a clever way for Megumin to practice her explosion magic.

In Konosuba season 3 episode 4, Aqua was seen getting drunk with the maid staff while Darkness took the opportunity to apologize to Alderp on behalf of everyone. Meanwhile, Kazuma reverted to his previous behavior of being spoiled and pampered, similar to when he was in the castle with Iris. This prompted Alderp to have a conversation with Darkness about how comfortable they feel in their current living situation.

Later that evening, Kazuma stumbled upon Chris sneaking into the mansion, immediately suspecting her of being the thief. He proceeded to inform her of their predicament and advised her to apologize and repay her debts. Despite Chris’s attempts to explain her motives, Kazuma remained adamant and urged her to leave to avoid any further complications.

Chris returns in Konosuba season 3 episode 4 as the true identity of the noble thief Kazuma and co are hunting (Image via Drive)
Chris returns in Konosuba season 3 episode 4 as the true identity of the noble thief Kazuma and co are hunting (Image via Drive)

In the fourth episode of Konosuba’s third season, Chris left after employing Bind on Kazuma to create the illusion that he was defeated and allow the thief to flee. Upon discovering Kazuma bound, Aqua apologized for rummaging through his belongings and accidentally breaking one of his possessions. Darkness and Megumin also apologized for their past actions, causing Kazuma to be coerced into apologizing instead of receiving apologies from the others.

Upon witnessing the scene, Lord Alderp’s anger was evident. The following day, Kazuma and his companions reported the details of what had occurred to Iris and her group. Despite his shortcomings, Iris granted him forgiveness, which resulted in his permanent banishment from the castle. Before returning to Axel, Lord Alderp and his companions took the opportunity to do some shopping in the capital.

In season 3 episode 4 of Konosuba, Aqua and Kazuma encountered Kyoya Mitsurugi, and Aqua eventually recognized him. Mitsurugi then presented Aqua with a ring as a gesture of their reunion, but Kazuma couldn’t help but mock his “gentlemanly”actions. However, Aqua had to reject the gift as the ring was too small for her finger.

That night, Chris paid a visit to Kazuma in order to clarify her thieving behavior. Despite her efforts, Kazuma remained unwilling to get involved and refused to listen. However, she persisted and managed to convince him to hear her out, revealing that she had been collecting powerful items called Divine Treasures. It was only then that Kazuma understood she was referring to the cheat items that reincarnated individuals receive upon arrival in this world.

In episode 4 of Konosuba’s third season, Chris revealed that the items they possess have unique abilities and can even bring good fortune. This revelation led Kazuma to realize that Chris was the one who took his money-making hammer in the first episode of the season. Despite her claim that the items needed to be collected, she was unable to disclose any further information due to her client’s request. However, she did mention sensing a valuable treasure in the royal castle and asked for Kazuma’s assistance in retrieving it.

Kazuma declined, causing Chris to leave with a promise to return later. Kazuma attempted to go back to sleep, but was interrupted by a Devil King Army alert. This led Darkness to attempt to convince Kazuma to prepare for battle, but he remained unwilling. Despite her attempts to gather Megumin and Aqua, she was unsuccessful without Kazuma’s assistance.

In the fourth episode of Konosuba season 3, Kazuma came to the realization that a strong performance in the upcoming fight could result in an invitation back to the castle for a life of luxury with Iris. The episode concluded with the group setting out for battle, with Kazuma physically pulling Aqua to the battlefield despite her reluctance.

In review

The fourth episode of season 3 of the Konosuba television anime series continues to deliver the same level of intense comedy that fans have come to love. From clever callbacks to jokes that are entirely new, viewers will find themselves laughing throughout the majority of the episode’s runtime.

Despite its comedic focus, Konosuba season 3 episode 4 does not sacrifice plot or character development. Instead, it seamlessly weaves all three elements together, resulting in an enthralling viewing experience that does not feel constrained by its 24-minute runtime. This is a testament to the series’ ability to excel when all elements are firing on all cylinders.

In summation

In summary, the fourth episode of season 3 of Konosuba is a satisfying and pivotal addition to the ongoing storyline. The revelation of Chris’ mission will undoubtedly drive the main characters’ actions for the remainder of the season. Additionally, viewers can anticipate an upcoming battle against the Devil King Army in the next episode.

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