A post titled “Stray Kids’s Seungmin being ignored by fans of another idol group on stage”was shared by a netizen on Nate Pann, garnering attention.
Based on the post, it was mentioned that the members of Stray Kids took turns greeting the audience following their performance at a recent music festival. During Seungmin’s turn, he asked the audience, “Did you all have a good time during Stray Kids’ performance?”Some individuals who were not fans of the group responded with a loud “No.”

Upon Seungmin’s shout of “No”, the atmosphere among him and other Stray Kids members became more serious. Based on a photo included in the post, it appears that the individuals who replied “No”to Seungmin were fans of NCT.
Following this, additional netizens provided comments:
The statement indicated that those individuals were NCTzens.
– A similar incident has occurred in the past. If the roles were reversed, STAYs (Stray Kids’s fandom) would have faced severe criticism.
– It is important to show equal respect towards others’ idols as you do towards your own idols.
From my observation, not only did they ignore Seungmin, but also every member of Stray Kids. Their behavior was extremely rude. I am certain that they would be angered if fans of other groups treated their own singers in the same manner. In that case, why can’t they conduct themselves properly?
“Why do some NCTzens act so rudely? It’s disappointing to see such lack of manners. Seungmin, please don’t let those rude comments affect you. I can only imagine how hurtful they must be for you.”
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