Korean netizens revealed the reaction before and after the release of “MOVING Ability”: Have you been hit too!

(Cover image source: IG@disneyplustw)

Before the release: Will so many themes look good when mixed together? / After the release: It’s so beautiful, give me the next episode soon!

Disney+’s “MOVING”(another translation: “MOVING”, a total of 20 episodes), which gathers super cast members, uses superheroes and sci-fi action as the theme, and describes three high school students with special abilities. Parents with dark secrets stand against a great threat from the north. After the broadcast, the popularity continued, and Korean netizens also shared their “feelings after watching”.

Before the release, “MOVING Ability”had many “keywords”, such as: superhero, action, SF (science fiction), thriller, gangster, fantasy, suspense, espionage, Avengers, humanity, plot, campus, bloody, superpowers etc. The audience couldn’t help worrying: “So many themes mixed together, can it look good?”After the official broadcast, they found that…

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《MOVING 奇能》)
(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《MOVING 奇能》)

▲Youth Campus

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《MOVING 奇能》)

▲Heroes, superpowers, SF, action

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《MOVING 奇能》)


(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《MOVING 奇能》)


(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《MOVING 奇能》)

▲ Romance

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《MOVING 奇能》)

▲ Gangster Love

(Source: IG@ryuseungryong_)

Every keyword is mentioned, and the plot is really exciting, want to see the next episode soon! The TV series is currently broadcasting to the 11th episode, and there are still 9 episodes to be broadcast. I am too curious about the follow-up development~

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