K-pop Fanboyfriend Appalled by Girlfriend’s Explicit Gay Fanfiction Involving Him

In a recent post on the online forum Reddit, user Ken_Kaniff4205 (referred to as “KK”) shared his experience regarding his 18-year-old girlfriend (GF), with whom he has been in a relationship for 2.5 years.

KK described their relationship as generally positive until an unusual incident occurred. His girlfriend sent him a link to her writing account on Wattpad, where KK discovered that she frequently wrote K-pop fanfictions, some of which were explicit and featured homosexual themes, including stories that included KK himself.

THE MAN BLK's Seungho and Han Sejin-11-091624

KK noted, “She used my full name in the story and described me down to a tee. My GF is also a huge K-Pop fan, and it was a homosexual fanfic about me and a K-Pop member. Just reading it made me feel kind of sick.”

He further revealed, “She went into great detail and had an entire 7-part series about it. It also had a couple of views.”

Feeling uncomfortable after reading the fanfictions, KK asked his girlfriend to refrain from including him in her stories or at least not to publish them publicly with his real name. However, she reacted strongly, calling him “insecure” and hurling insults despite KK’s attempts to explain his feelings.

This situation sparked significant outrage among other Reddit users who were appalled that the girlfriend used KK’s real name, effectively sexualizing him without his consent. Many netizens advised KK to report his girlfriend on Wattpad, consider ending their relationship, and even explore legal actions.

Source: Reddit, Krb


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