Laika Aged Through Blood completion time: How long does it take to beat the game

Laika Aged Through Blood is the latest addition to a list of impressive indie metroidvania games. The post-apocalyptic western-styled biker game allows players to control the titular character, a cursed coyote, on a quest for vengeance and war to protect the Wastelands as well as the people she loves.

The game has incredibly charming graphics that perfectly grasp the bleak and barren nature of the world, along with a captivating soundtrack filled with melodious yet sorrowful songs and tunes.

It can get tedious at times with its mechanics, but it is a relatively smooth ride from start to finish. Here is the detailed breakdown of the total completion time required to finish Laika Aged Through Blood

Laika Aged Through Blood completion time

Laika Aged Through Blood is a relatively short metroidvania game compared to other heavy hitters like Hollow Knight. If you are focusing solely on doing the main quest, it will take around 16 to 17 hours to complete the game.

There are ten mandatory quests that you will have to do to finish the game:

  • Rage and Sorrow (Tutorial)
  • A Heart for Poochie
  • Diplomacy
  • Old Warfare
  • Radio Silence
  • The Bonehead’s Hook
  • The Big Tree
  • Childless
  • Floating
  • Hell High

The game is fairly linear in terms of the main quest, and you can traverse most of the Wastelands’ areas. A big chunk of the main story sinks into the three quests titled Diplomacy, Radio Silence, and The Big Tree. The latter two, in particular, take up quite a lot of time due to the extensive amount of puzzles and the sheer size of the area.

Players who have an itch for completing every available quest in the game can expect around 18 to 20 hours to finish every possible quest obtainable in the game. These include side quests that task Laika to fetch materials or bring closure to certain story arcs of NPCs outside of the main quest.

For 100% completion, you will have to dedicate around 23 to 25 hours. Attaining every single achievement takes time as a lot of grinding needs to be done to collect materials and viscera to obtain all weapons and sack upgrades, among other stuff, such as playing blackjack and cooking all recipes.

Laika Aged Through Blood is already available on PC and is expected to arrive on consoles such as PlayStation 5 and Xbox on December 5, 2023. The Nintendo Switch version of the game is set to drop on January 11, 2024.

PC users can purchase the game on Steam or Epic Games for $19.99, which is subject to change depending on your region.

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