Latest Dance Challenge Video by ILLIT Features Members Wearing ‘Transparent Skirt’: Controversy Ensues

Despite their popularity, the well-known dance group ILLIT has found themselves embroiled in controversy after releasing a dance challenge video featuring Iroha and RIIZE’s Shotaro dancing to “Lucky Girl Syndrome.”

Outfit Oversight: Iroha’s Transparent Skirt Raises Concerns

Despite its seemingly innocent appearance, fans were quick to pick up on a noticeable detail about Iroha’s clothing in the video.

What’s weird about it? I asked, then watched the video and freaked out. Isn’t this insane? Seriously, they need to protect minors. Even if they’re not minors, the clothes are way too strange. -Anonymous

Upon further examination, it became apparent that Iroha was wearing a knitted skirt that, despite its innocent appearance, was actually transparent.

The public disclosure quickly raised worries among supporters, specifically because of Iroha’s age being under 18.

No, I wondered what the problem was looking at the pictures, but after watching the video, it’s the real deal… What’s up with that? They say she’s a minor, so the agency should think about what they make her wear…


Despite the outfit choice being criticized by netizens, the main focus was on the importance of being more careful when styling underage members to avoid any disappointment.

Putting on a skirt underneath… Even if they’re wearing shorts underneath, showing off their leg lines like that is just inappropriate. And the skirt isn’t even pretty, it’s like something a beggar would wear… -Anonymous

Fans expressed their disappointment on multiple online platforms and emphasized the potential consequences of dressing a minor in such clothing.

Calls for Accountability and Safeguarding

There was a general feeling among fans and netizens that there should be accountability, as many believed it is the duty of adults to protect minors in the entertainment industry.

What’s wrong with them?? I wondered, then watched the video and was shocked. Why dress a kid like that… -Anonymous

As the incident continues to be discussed online, it serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of thoughtful decision-making and prioritizing the well-being of young performers in the entertainment industry.

As both fans and netizens continue to express their concerns, speculation grows about the person or group responsible for the styling choices made by ILLIT.

The agreement is evident: prompt action must be taken to avoid similar occurrences in the future and maintain the group’s reputation.

Industry Reflection and ILLIT’s Response

Despite the ongoing controversy, ILLIT has not yet released an official statement addressing the issue. Nonetheless, the increasing pressure from fans and the larger community indicates that a response may be forthcoming.

The purpose behind Iroha’s clothing selection remains ambiguous, but this occurrence highlights the significance of being mindful and tactful when dressing underage performers.

Despite the unfolding of the story, one thing remains clear: the outcry surrounding ILLIT’s recent dance challenge video highlights the importance of accountability and vigilance in an industry that must prioritize the well-being and dignity of young talents.

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