Leader Guide for Civilisation 6: Theodora

The fifth wave of the Civilisation 6 Leader Pass has arrived, and gamers may now check out this new Byzantine empire leader. Empress Theodora has a lot of tactics under her sleeve, and she specializes at yielding Religion and destroying other religious civilizations.

This tutorial focuses on the Theodora of the Great Builders wave of the Civilization 6 Leader Pass. Gamers will be able to understand all of the important facts about this leader, as well as how to effectively play her in order to win.

Theodora’s Characteristics and Skills

theodora civ 6 capital

Although each civilization has its own set of powers, troops, Districts, and improvements, each leader – even if they are from the same civilization – has a distinct ability that sets them apart. The following are the unique skills that the player will have access to when playing Theodora:


How it works

Leader Ability


  • Holy Sites provide Culture equal to their adjacency bonus
  • Farms provide Faith adjacency to Hippodromes and Holy Sites

Civilization Ability


  • +3 Combat Strength granted to units for each Holy City converted to Byzantium’s religion (including this civilization’s own Holy City)
  • +3 Religious Strength granted to religious units for each Holy City converted to Byzantium’s religion
  • When an enemy civilization or enemy city-state’s unit is defeated, Byzantium’s religion is spread farther to nearby cities
  • +1 Great Prophet point from cities with a Holy Site district

Unique Unit


  • Unique Byzantine Classic Era ranged naval unit
  • Unlocked after researching Shipbuilding
  • Replaces the Quadrireme
  • 3 Movement, 2 Sight
  • 25 Ranged strength, 2 Range
  • 20 Melee strength

Unique District


  • Unlocked after researching Games and Recreation
  • Replaces the Entertainment Complex district
  • Costs less Production and provides +3 Amenities instead of +1
  • When first built, the Hippodrome grants a free Heavy Calvary unit with no future maintenance cost; the same goes whenever a building is constructed in this district
  • Cannot be built in a city with a Water Park

How to Play the Role of Theodora

holy site adjacency bonuses

Because Theodora does not benefit from any map configuration, there are no advanced options to consider when beginning a new Civilisation 6 game unless the player choose to do so.

What genuinely distinguishes Theodora from her Byzantine counterpart, Basil II, is her exceptional leadership capacity, Metanoia. This civilisation has always been eager to invest in religion and warfare in order to make its mark and fight for victory during a match. It is critical that the player successfully creates a religion before they all vanish.

To take use of the Metanoia leader ability, gamers should establish as many Farms as possible near Holy Sites and Hippodromes to get as many adjacency benefits as feasible. In addition to the Holy Site adjacency boost that Farms give, this ability allows this District to earn just as much Culture with little effort.

The Scripture economic policy card is an excellent pick for Theodora since it doubles both Culture and Faith output by increasing Holy Site adjacency bonuses by 100%.

After establishing their Faith-generating kingdom, the player must begin converting as many adjacent cities as possible while constructing a strong empire capable of fighting other leaders of other religions.

This is how players may achieve Religious Victory with Theodora. The game is incredibly adaptable, and players can aim to achieve a Cultural Victory by focusing on Culture adjacency benefits.

Civilisation 6 is available on mobile devices, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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