League developers address false bans affecting numerous players

The Vanguard anti-cheat system in League of Legends was designed to target and remove scripters and botters from the game. However, due to some network problems, a large number of players were mistakenly banned during their matches.

This was a significant problem that affected multiple players. Many people have experienced their entire match being disrupted due to issues with Vanguard’s anti-cheat.

Additionally, there are still players who have yet to have their bans lifted despite being impacted by this issue. Not only were they disqualified from their matches, but they also had their accounts revoked.

Not everyone experiences this, but those who were not banned still faced consequences such as receiving a loss and an LP penalty. The ranked system in League is harsh on players who leave matches, so those affected will feel the impact for several games and lose a significant amount of LP from just one loss.

Players who abandon games will receive significantly reduced rewards for several consecutive matches following their initial loss, and they will be burdened with consequences whether or not they were reported.

The developers have since addressed the situation and clarified that the bans were given out due to a “backend networking issue,”confirming that they were incorrect.

“We are currently looking into an incident where players encountered errors and received Vanguard error messages as a result of a backend networking problem. Please check for updates within the in-client messaging system. Any bans or restrictions issued as a result of this issue will be lifted as soon as possible.”

Despite the confirmation from the developers that the strictest punishments will be removed, it is still uncertain if players who have received LP penalties or lost LP due to a defeat will receive any form of compensation.

Given that those LP losses could have caused players to be demoted and significantly hindered their personal goals in climbing the ranks, it is understandable that there would be backlash from players.

Furthermore, the only information provided about how this occurred is from the dev team’s announcement. Since its implementation, Vanguard has been met with skepticism from League players who have reported issues with the game no longer functioning on their computers.

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