League of Legends LoLdle answers 371: Thursday, July 13, 2023

Renata Glasc, Lulu, and other League of Legends LoLdle answers for 371st edition (July 13, 2023)

The solutions to the LoLdle questions on July 13, 2023, are listed below:

  • Classic: Renata Glasc
  • Quote: Lulu
  • Ability: Lucian, Bonus: Passive
  • Emoji: Fizz
  • Splash Art: Rell, Bonus: Star Guardian Rell

Previous League of Legends LoLdle answers

Here is a list of LoLdle solutions that have previously been disclosed:

  • LoLdle 370, July 12, 2023: Jinx, Swain, Nautilus, Renata Glasc, Tryndamere
  • LoLdle 369, July 11, 2023: Master Yi, Nocturne, Vex, Nautilus, Cassiopeia
  • LoLdle 368, July 10, 2023: Caitlyn, Rakan, Master Yi, Azir, Viktor.
  • LoLdle 367, July 9, 2023: Kindred, Nami, Kassadin, Zoe, Braum.
  • LoLdle 366, July 8, 2023: Nilah, Vex, Zyra, Urgot, Nocturne.
  • LoLdle 365, July 7, 2023: Rammus, Lissandra, Viego, Lulu, Wukong.
  • LoLdle 364, July 6, 2023: Alistar, Teemo, Urgot, Nidalee, Gwen.
  • LoLdle 363, July 5, 2023: Rumble, Anivia, Kennen, Kindred, Aphelios.
  • LoLdle 362, July 4, 2023: Malzahar, Caitlyn, Kha’Zix, Shaco, Hecarim.
  • LoLdle 361, July 3, 2023: Lillia, Jhin, Gangplank, Yone, Talon.
  • LoLdle 360, July 2, 2023: Kayn, Azir, Leona, Brand, Kai’Sa.
  • LoLdle 359, July 1, 2023: Dr. Mundo, Orianna, Udyr, Bard, Ziggs.

The first of today’s LoLdle answers is Renata Glasc, and guessing her name isn’t as easy as participants may think. Although she’s one of the recently released champions in League of Legends, not many players use her in ranked or pro matches. However, Lulu’s quote about colors can be guessed fairly easily.

The next answer is Lucian, one of the popular marksmen in the current League of Legends meta. Most players should be able to recognize his Passive ability. As for Fizz, the featured emojis can make it difficult to identify him.

Rell is the last of today’s LoLdle answers. Despite only having a few skins in League of Legends at the moment, players should still be able to guess her name easily.

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