League of Legends patch 13.13 preview: Stattik Shiv and Neeko nerfs, Lee Sin buffs, and more

League of Legends patch 13.13 preview: Stattik Shiv and Neeko nerfs, Lee Sin buffs, and more

League of Legends patch 13.13 preview is now out, and there are a lot of balance changes that Riot Games will be introducing with the upcoming update. Among the biggest highlights of the patch are the nerfs that will be making their way to both Statikk Shiv and Neeko.

Statikk Shiv LeBlanc has been a menace to deal with in the mid-lane in recent weeks, with many pro-players abusing her Distortion to get frequent Energized proc on the item. Combined with Lich Bane, she becomes incredibly difficult to counter. Fortunately, Riot Games will be nerfing the item for the champion in the upcoming patch.

Neeko is another difficult champion to deal with when used right. Her shape-shifting abilities would often catch the enemy team off-guard, allowing her to get multiple knock-ups with her ultimate ability.

When talking about League of Legends patch 13.13, Riot Games stated:

“This patch is mostly focused on stabilization as it will be a 3-week patch and let the meta play out AP Shiv is overturned on a few cases (LB, etc.), but ~balanced on other others vs other options (Zoe, Teemo, etc.) We’re nerfing AP minion ratio and long-distance jump charge.

“For 13.14 in the future, we are looking at role power through item choice structure and power curves for AD mythic (IE weak, Gale strong, Tri Force ADC +Top) AD’s are spiking too hard on 1 item generally & scaling through kits. This is disrupting other role power curves too.”

League of Legends patch 13.13 preview

Before moving on the list of names that will be up for changes in patch 13.13, it is important to note that they are tentative and may not reflect completely in the official update next week. Riot Games will be testing them out in the League of Legends PBE before shipping them with the 13.13.

1) Champion Buffs

  • Lee Sin
  • Nidalee

2) Champion Nerfs

  • Annie
  • Aphelios
  • Ivern
  • Kindred
  • Neeko
  • Rek’Sai
  • Varus (AP)
  • Vi
  • Wukong

3) Champion Adjustments

  • Rell (support nerf and Jungle buff)

4) System Nerfs

  • Ghost
  • Statikk Shiv

5) System Adjustments

  • Essence Reaver
  • Stormrazor
  • Samira and Katarina Duskblade interaction

Elaborating on League of Legends patch 13.13, Riot Games said:

“We’re looking to address these role considerations through a combination of item and champion changes (to top lane in particular). Other things we’re aiming for 13.14 are K’Sante anti-pro skew work (might slip though), some excitement work for Xerath, Zyra”

League of Legends patch 13.13 is expected to drop next week and will be making its way to the Rift on June 28, 2023.

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