League of Legends patch 13.14 preview and pre-notes: Shaco and Xerath buffs, Karthus nerfs, and more

League of Legends patch 13.14 preview and pre-notes: Shaco and Xerath buffs, Karthus nerfs, and more

The League of Legends patch 13.14 preview and pre-notes are live. This means that players can now get a glimpse of some of the balance updates that they can expect in the MOBA next week. The patch will be a rather big one, with an extensive amount of updates hitting multiple champions and items in the game.

While the Naafiri release will be the highlight of League of Legends patch 13.14, it will be accompanied by buffs to picks like Shaco, Xerath, Diana, and Lissandra. Nerfs will also be making their way to Hecarim, Jax, Karthus, and Kindred.

Additionally, system buffs and adjustments will be on the cards, while tweaks will be made to some items in League of Legends.

League of Legends patch 13.14 pre-notes

Before moving on to the list of expected changes for League of Legends patch 13.14, it’s important to keep in mind that the suggested tweaks are tentative and may not reflect the final update entirely.

These changes will be tested out in the League of Legends PBE before being shipped with the official patch next week.

1) Champion Buffs


  • Q Base Damage: 10-90 >>> 10-70 Q Total AD Ratio: 60-80% >>> 60-100% (101+ Total AD is a buff)
  • Q Minion Damage: 55% >>> 55/60/6570% (Level 1/6/11/16)


  • W Shield Strength: 40/55/70/85/100 (+25% AP) (+9% bHP) >>> 45/60/75/90/105 (+30% AP)(+9% bHP) –
  • W Damage per Orb: 18/30/42/54/66 (+15% AP) >>> 18/30/42/54/66 (+18% AP) E AP Ratio: 50/70/90/110/130 (+50%) >>> 50/70/90/110/130 (+60%)
  • Passive no longer stops at final frames before detonation. Passive follows enemies into brush if they were being chased. Passive thralls are revealed to enemies through fog of war
  • Q now slows all enemies hit rather than just the first – The Ice Shard missle casts from position post-cast rather than pre-cast


  • R Heal amount: 90/140/190 (+25% AP) [Increased by 0-100% based on missing health] >>> 100/150/200 (+55% AP) [Increased by 0-100% based on missing health (Maximum value at 30% HP)]
  • AoE Damage/Slow Update Cadence: 4/s >>> 16/s R logic updated slightly around stopping dashes

Shaco (AD)

  • Q Bonus Damage: 25/35/45/55/65 (+50% bonusAD) >>> 25/35/45/55/65 (+60% bonus AD)
  • Backstab Bonus Crit: 40% >>> 55%
  • R Bugfix, Properly propagates Prowler’s Claw passive to clone
  • Q Ratio: 20/35/50/65/80% TAD >>> 20/40/60/80/100% TAD [NEW] Next 2 attacks have 40/45/50/55/60% increased attack speed Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 >>> 8/7.5/7/6.5/6


  • E Mark damage on hit: 3% target HP >>> 3% target HP + 1% per 100 BAD


  • P AP Ratio: 40% > > >50% – W Missing HP Heal: 8-16% >>> 8-20%


  • Mana: 459 >>>400P Cooldown 12 >>> 16 P CD reduced by 2s on unit kill and proc’s on structures
  • R recasts: 3-5 >>> 4-6 — R damage: 200-300 (45% AP) >>> 180-280 (+40% AP)
  • R bonus damage per Champion hit: 20/25/30 (+5% AP)


  • Plant Damage taken from AoE Spells: 4 >>> 3 – Plant damage taken from raged autos: 4 >>> 5
  • Plant damage to Monsters: 150% to non-epic monsters >>> 40-100 bonus magic damage (scaling with level) to all monsters.
  • W Seeds on First Rankup: 1 >>> 2 E no longer locks out flash during the cast
  • R Cast Paradigm: Wall to Position >>> Casts at Max Range
  • Missle Damage Update Cadence: 4/s >>> 16/s

2) Champion Nerfs


  • W Bonus Resistances: 15-35 >>> 10-30


  • E Cooldown: 14-8 >>> 15-9
  • R Mana Cost: 50 >>>100


  • Q Damage: 45/62.5/80/97.5/115 (Doubled when isolated) >>> 43/61/79/97/115 (Doubled when isolated)
  • Q Monster Mod: 95% >>> 100%
  • E Mana Refund: 15/25/35/45/55 >>> 10/20/30/40/50


  • Health: 580 >>> 610 Armor: 29 >>> 26 (Revert of last League of Legends patch) – Q CD: 8 >>> 9
  • Q base damage: 50-150 >>> 40-140


  • P Burn Damage: 25-80 >>> 15-50
  • E Move Speed: 15-25% >>> 12-20%


  • Armor: 39 >>> 36 P Steal: 3% >>> 2% (Max 15% >>> 10%)


  • Q Crit Conversion: 95% >>> 75%
  • Base Health Regen: 7 >>> 6


  • E Damage: 55-75 +85% Bonus AD >>> 5-25 + 70% Total AD
  • W Damage: 55-115 >>> 50-110

3) Champion Adjustments


  • New League of Legends champion goes live


  • Bug fixes to lifesteal abilities

4) System Nerfs


  • Cooldown: 90 seconds >>> 120 seconds

5) System buffs

Axiom Arc

  • Ultimate CD Refund: 20% Total >>> 5% + 40% Lethality Total

Prowler’s Claw

  • Lethality: 15 >>> 18

Randuin’s Omen

  • Crit Reduction: 20% >>> 25%

Spear of Shojin

  • Cost: 3400 >>> 3300 – HP: 300 >>> 350

Spirit Visage

  • Magic Resistence: 50 >>> 60

Sterak’s Gage

  • Cost: 3100 >>> 3000 – HP: 400 >>> 450

6) System Adjustments

Blue Buff

  • Ability Haste: 10 >>> 5/10/15/20 at level 1/6/11/16


  • Duration: 10 seconds >>> 14 seconds – Duration extension on takedown removed

Infinity Edge

  • Attack Damage: 70 >>> 65 — Crit Damage: 35% >>> 45%

Red Buff

  • Burn over 3 seconds: 10-78 (linear scaling) >>> 10 levels 1-5, then +5 per level (75 at 18)
  • Melee Slow: 10/15/20% (level 1/6/11) >>> 5/10/15/20 (level 1/6/11/16)

Statikk Shiv

  • Electroshock Damage: 250-450 >>> 250-350 (25/lvl starting at level 7, then 12.5 starting at level 11 >>> 10/lvl starting at level 9)

Trinity Force

  • Attack Speed: 35% > > > 33% — Threefold Strikes AD: 4%, 5 stacks >>> 6%, 3 stacks (This is a buff for the first 10 attacks)

League of Legends patch 13.14 is expected to go live next week. It will drop on July 19, 2023.

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