League of Legends Players Surprised by Astonishing Ranked Auto-Fill Statistics

The League of Legends community has been left shocked upon discovering the “alarming” extent of auto-fills in ranked queues.

As a competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, League of Legends pits two teams of five against each other, focusing solely on team performance. The first team to successfully dismantle the enemy’s nexus emerges as the victor.

In such a competitive environment, players strive to outwit, outperform, and outmaneuver their opponents. This typically involves playing familiar and preferred roles. Unfortunately, due to matchmaking dynamics, players are occasionally auto-filled into roles they are less comfortable with to minimize wait times in queues.

This can severely hinder your team’s chances of success since performing in an unfamiliar role creates a distinct disadvantage against the enemy team. Thus, players were astounded to learn the high volume of auto-fills occurring in ranked matches.

Riot’s recently shared stats on ranked auto-fill discrepancy are shocking by
u/S79S79 in

According to Riot’s September 23 development update, the percentage of games featuring two to three auto-filled players used to range between 10-15%, but this figure has now plummeted to under one percent. Despite this positive trend, players remain shocked by the previous prevalence of auto-fills.

“Is anyone else floored by how awful the matchmaking was prior to this change?” a “shocking” Reddit post inquired. “The fact that 1 in 7 matches featured a discrepancy of TWO or MORE auto-filled players is so unbalanced I can’t believe it was even that bad in the first place.”

Others expressed disbelief at this outrageous statistic.

“I generally support Riot for this sub’s standards, but that is one of the most shocking aspects of ranked I’ve ever heard,” they agreed.

Many users noted that both the support and jungle roles were among the least popular, indicating that players often find themselves filling these positions only due to auto-fills.

“What’s unbelievable is the data showed jungle and support roles are still less sought after than I expected. This suggests these roles will remain unbalanced for the foreseeable future,” one commenter pointed out.

Riot has consistently made efforts to enhance the gaming experience and improve match quality across their MOBA, reinforcing hope that the ongoing issues with auto-filling are becoming a thing of the past, allowing players to regularly choose their preferred roles.


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