Leaked Images Surface of New Victorious Ranked Reward Skin for LoL on PBE

The developers of League of Legends have unintentionally revealed which champion will be receiving the Victorious skin for the 2024 ranked rewards. This was discovered when Sona appeared in the PBE store.

The current ranked split in League of Legends is in progress, and players are determined to play numerous games in order to achieve a higher rank. However, their motivation is not solely for recognition and prestige, as Riot offers them a special skin as a reward for earning a sufficient amount of split points.

This particular skin has become a hot topic among ranked players, as they eagerly anticipate which champion will receive it each split. Typically, the Victorious skin is awarded to a champion who has had a significant impact on the mode during that particular split. In the past, champions such as Mao’kai, Aatrox, Graves, and Orianna have been chosen to receive this prestigious skin.

Sona will now join the ranks of Victorious skins, as her entry has been made available on the PBE store.

SkinSpotlights has revealed that Victorious Sona is currently available for testing on the Public Beta Environment. This server is utilized by Riot to test content in advance before its official release, indicating that the skin will likely be added to the live servers in the near future.

Although the specifics of the skin’s design are not known, the Victorious skin line consistently incorporates similar aesthetics. Most skins have a glossy appearance, utilizing shades of gold and other metallic elements to enhance the features of the champions. However, the most recent Victorious skin for Kog’Maw deviated slightly from this theme, which could potentially hint at a completely different look for the upcoming Sona skin.

If you are a Sona player eagerly anticipating the release of the skin on the live servers, you will need to earn a minimum of 80 split points if you are in Gold or above. Those in Silver or below will have to work towards earning 1000 split points in order to obtain the new skin. This requirement applies starting from Season 2023 and is applicable for Gold and above players to receive the Victorious skin of that split.

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