Leaked Scenes from The Chosen Season 5: Tense and Emotional Moments Revealed

<p>Following a significant announcement by Dallas Jenkins regarding the beloved franchise, we have our first glimpse of The Chosen Season 5 that has leaked out from ComicCon – and things are “about to get real.”

During the event, Jenkins was forthcoming about the exciting news. As previously speculated, the franchise will be expanding into a Chosen biblical television universe, with upcoming spinoffs centered around the Book of Acts, the stories of Moses, and Joseph, alongside an animated series aimed at children.

The primary reason for this expansion is clear: the flagship series is moving towards inclusion, with The Chosen Season 5 setting the stage for the penultimate chapter.

A fan on the Chosen subreddit posted footage that was discreetly recorded at ChosenCon. This effectively serves as a teaser trailer, confirming several pivotal scenes, which you can view below:

Season 5 sneak peek (spoilers) byu/nb03nb inTheChosenSeries

We know that the season will depict the events of Holy Week, featuring significant moments such as the cleansing of the temple, the Last Supper, and Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. The leaked footage also reveals Jesus calling out the Pharisees as “hypocrites” and compares them to “whitewashed tombs.”

“Wow! This makes me feel so excited,” one user commented, while another added: “Gird yourselves, everyone. It’s about to get real real quick.”

As expected, the footage also hints at the escalating tension between Judas and Jesus, subsequent to Jenkins alluding to “heartbreaking and tough-to-film scenes” between the two characters.

Luke Dimyan as Judas Iscariot in The Chosen
The Chosen

“The representation of that in Season 5 is both thrilling and heartrending. We’ve already completed a few scenes that are really tough to film and will be tough to watch,” Jenkins shared with The Direct.

“These scenes have had a significant impact on Luke Dimyan, who portrays Judas. We are making a conscious effort to depict the interactions between Jesus and Judas during a time when Jesus is aware of what’s coming. It has been an intriguing narrative to explore.”

The Chosen is set to conclude with its seventh season, which will focus on the resurrection. Additionally, Mel Gibson is finally progressing on The Passion of the Christ 2, which will also delve into the theme of resurrection.

After you’ve explored our guides on the show’s cast and filming locations, be sure to check out what other TV shows are streaming this month.


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