Leaks on LEGO Fortnite portend great new features to come

According to leaks, LEGO Fortnite should receive a new Refiner and Titanium Shovel in future updates. Adding these items will make crafting materials in the game much easier.

In LEGO Fortnite, all you have to do is craft items to be able to build a cozy hamlet. Although you can explore multiple biomes, players have often said that the available blueprints and craftable items are a bit limited.

Next LEGO Fortnite update could bring new items

With a brand new update on the horizon, new leaks have surfaced. These leaks suggest that a new Refiner and Titanium Shovel will be coming to LEGO Fortnite soon. However, it is not yet clear whether the January 23 update will bring these items to the game.

The most interesting thing about the Refiner in LEGO Fortnite is that it will allow you to refine Rift Fragments from Rift Ores. As can be seen in the leaked video, the Refiner looks a lot like Fortnite’s Bridge, which is also a key element in the game’s lore.

The Titanium Shovel in LEGO Fortnite, on the other hand, is much more effective than the regular shovel. With each shovel stroke, you will be able to collect five piles of Earth. Not only that, but you will also be able to collect seeds.

However, you won’t be able to obtain these items – you’ll apparently have to craft them. The leaks do not discuss manufacturing schematics for the Refiner or the Titanium Shovel. So to find out how to build them, you’ll unfortunately have to wait until they become available in LEGO Fortnite.

It is important to note that this is still only unofficial information that should be taken with a grain of salt. LEGOFortnite is still a new game and there is a lot of potential. If what the leaks say is true, you will soon be able to create unique designs and structures.

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