Least-Played League of Legends Champions in Ranked Matches

Least-Played League of Legends Champions in Ranked Matches

Despite offering players a selection of over 160 different characters, some champions in League of Legends are not as popular as others. Here are the top 10 least-played champions in Ranked Solo Duo mode.

Just like any other online game, there are certain champions in League of Legends that are not as frequently played as the more popular ones. For every well-known champion like Yasuo, Kai’sa, and Lux, there are lesser-known ones like Yorick, Ivern, and Taric. According to op.gg, here are the 10 least popular champions in League of Legends.

10. Bard

League of legends bard
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Bard looks to roam around the map, often leaving his ADC in a vulnerable spot.

Bard, the Cosmic Support, is without a doubt one of the most unique supports in the world of League of Legends. With a strong emphasis on roaming, this champion must gather chimes scattered across the map, often leaving their lane partner in a two versus one situation. However, Bard’s skill set is extremely effective for creating plays, and those who dedicate themselves to mastering this champion truly excel in their role.

Despite this, he ultimately caters to a limited audience and is not widely chosen by most players, earning him a place on this list.

Champion Qiyana

Qiyana moving to mid lane more in LoL 10.2 patch
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Qiyana’s hard-to-pull-off kit, as well as nerfs throughout the years leave her as a less popular champion.

Despite being a member of Ixtalian royalty, Qiyana is one of the less frequently chosen champions in League of Legends. When she was first released, she was quite powerful and could easily eliminate her opponents with a skillful combo that left them with very few options for counterplay. This made her a popular choice in professional play, but ultimately led to her being nerfed by the game developers.

Currently, she is still considered too weak of an option for AD assassin players, and her kit’s high barrier to entry makes her less suitable for players to pick up.

8. Kled

Kled Splash Art
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Kled’s low mobility and unpredictable playstyle leaves him as a less popular pick in solo queue.

Despite being a formidable top lane bruiser fighter, Noxian Warlord Kled is not as widely favored as other champions in League. He heavily relies on his trusty companion Skarl to aid him in combat, effectively providing him with a second health pool. Kled’s main tactic in battle is to utilize his W ability, which allows him to trade blows with opponents and unleash a devastating burst combo if he successfully lands all of his strikes. Despite these strengths, Kled’s popularity remains low compared to other champions.

Despite his limited range and mobility, he remains a popular pick among one-trick players who truly appreciate the champion’s unique strengths.

7. Olaf

Olaf Splash Art League of Legends
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Olaf’s 50/50 gameplay, alongside unfavorable items have left him unpopular in Season 14.

Despite being a formidable bruiser with strong healing and true damage capabilities in his E, Berserker Olaf is currently not as favored among players in League of Legends. However, if underestimated, he has the potential to snowball and become a dominant force on the battlefield.

Despite his lack of mobility options and vulnerability to item changes, he still adopts an all or nothing playstyle by aggressively charging into enemy teams and causing mass destruction. However, this often results in him being more famine than feast due to the current item meta not being in his favor.

6. My Favorite Flower

Elise Splash Art
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Once a powerful and dominant pick, Elise has seen better days in League of Legends.

Despite her strong early-game capabilities and ability to dominate games with her high burst damage and pick potential, Spider Queen Elise considers herself to be one of the lower ranked junglers in the League. Her reputation as a formidable character is further emphasized by her frequent appearance in professional play.

Ever since she rose to prominence, numerous other formidable early-game champions have become part of the jungle lineup. However, due to the widespread criticism of the jungle’s overwhelming power, the role has been considerably nerfed, making champions like Elise a thing of the past.

5. Singed

Singed Splash Art
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Champions like Singed simply don’t see much play in League of Legends these days.

Singed’s unorthodox approach to combat has made him one of the less favored champions in League of Legends. Due to his limited ability to directly engage with opponents, he relies heavily on a hit-and-run strategy, often luring enemies into his Poison Trail for damage.

Additionally, his laning phase is notably lacking in strength, making him less than ideal for solo queue unless you are skilled at playing him exclusively.


taric splash art
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Taric’s reworked kit seemed strong on the surface, but his clunky gameplay holds him back in popularity.

Despite his rework in 2016, Taric, a support champion from Targon, remains one of the least popular characters in League of Legends. Prior to his rework, the champion was rarely seen in play and was often dismissed as a meme character with little value. However, even after his rework, his play rate continues to be low to this day.

Despite Taric’s kit appearing powerful on paper, it ultimately relies heavily on tethering to another ally. His ultimate has the potential to render his entire team invincible, and his stun can be amplified for his tethered ally. However, his awkward playstyle and clunky kit prevent him from being a popular choice in the current meta.

3. Nilah

Nilah Splash Art League of Legends
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Nilah’s low range and awkward playstyle make her one of the less popular champions to play in ranked.

Nilah, an unconventional ADC, differs from traditional ranged carries who typically rely on kiting backwards. As a completely melee champion, she breaks away from the norm and prefers to get up close and personal in fights with her whip.

Regrettably, her playstyle can be perceived as awkward, and it certainly does not align with what players typically enjoy about the ADC position. Consequently, she is often considered one of the less favored champions, although she may experience a surge in popularity if her items are performing well.


Ivern splash art
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As a supportive jungler, League players simply prefer other champions in the role.

Ivern was once a feared and ruthless warlord of Noxus, but his evil deeds knew no bounds. However, everything changed when he was transformed into a tree, appearing to be in a trance-like state. Ivern was created by Riot as a unique supportive jungler. He was the first of his kind, designed to exclusively function in the jungle. His passive ability allows him to gather resources from monsters without engaging in combat.

Despite having abilities that allow him to set up ganks, shield allies, and summon a Sentinel to fight enemies, Ivern has fallen by the wayside due to his unpopularity as a support role in the game. With more appealing champions in the jungle, Ivern’s role has been diminished in the eyes of the player base.

Renata Glasc

renata glasc splash art
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Renata’s unconventional way of supporting her allies makes her a less desirable pick for solo queue.

Despite her reputation as a ruthless Chem-Baron from Zaun, Renata Glasc is known for her unconventional and supportive approach to gameplay. She employs dirty tricks and unethical tactics in order to assist her teammates, but still fulfills the role of an enchanter support, which is already represented by numerous popular champions. As a result, she is often overlooked and underrated, but she still deserves a spot on this list.

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