Lee Dong Wook: “Housework should be done by men!” He predicted that even if he gets married, he will take care of the laundry

(Cover image source: screenshot from YouTube@TEO 테오)

After Gong Yoo, Lee Dong Wook also came to be a guest of comedian Zhang Dolian’s web drama “Salon Drip”! In the latest issue released yesterday, Lee Dong Wook’s views on housework attracted attention.

The show talked about Lee Dong Wook’s daily life: After getting up, he first tidied his pillow and quilt, then emptied his stomach, drank lactic acid bacteria, and then washed his clothes and cleaned his room. Lee Dong Wook said that the only secret to doing housework is to be diligent, and also shared small tips such as using vinegar and soda; because clothes of different colors and uses have to be washed separately, it takes a whole day to wash clothes alone!

(Source: screenshot from YouTube@TEO 테오)

Zhang Dulian asked: What if the life habits of the future married partner are completely opposite, such as feeling uncomfortable after making the quilt, and the clothes have to be washed together? Lee Dong Wook said with a smile that even if he gets married, he will continue to take care of the housework: “Because I have my own way, if others do it differently, I will feel uncomfortable. ‘Don’t worry about it, just let me do it!’”

Then Li Dongxu shared his views on housework: “This is my personal opinion. Housework should be done by men. Housework requires a lot of strength. Only strong people should do it.”Zhang Dulian couldn’t bear it. I can’t help but sigh “Wow~ so handsome”.

(Source: screenshot from YouTube@TEO 테오)

This statement also aroused praise on the Korean Internet: “Not only is it handsome, but also has a healthy spirit”, “Only a man who has cleaned can say these words kk Men who have never done it will say that sweeping is done by the sweeper, laundry I hand it over to the washing machine, but the housework is really labor-intensive.”, “If a female artist said this, she would probably become the second Jeon Hyo-sung and not be able to function normally for at least 5 years, but because it’s Lee Dong-wook, he’s a bullying Korean man. In front of Alpha Male, you can only bow your head and get hurt”, “Boys have learned to do housework in the army, and it is reasonable to say that they can’t order as soon as they get married?”, “With such a face, I really want to tie him back Home”.


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