Lee Hyo-ri’s Paintings Heal Pain Of ‘Six-Member Family’

On June 1st, Lee Hyo-ri shared several photos on her social media account with the caption, “Cuddled up together”.

In the photographs, Lee Hyo-ri showcases her own paintings. One particular piece depicts six flowers in a small pot, with each flower uniquely adorned with a human-like face. Another painting portrays six individuals lying next to each other in a crimson room, with a small window as the only source of light.

Lee Hyori

Upon viewing Lee Hyo-ri’s paintings, fans expressed, “These paintings evoke such strong emotions. They transport me back to my childhood where my family of six lived in a single room. Even though our house lacked a window and I slept vertically beneath the other five family members, we were content and happy.”

Upon hearing this, Lee Hyo-ri humbly acknowledged, “At times, these phrases may come across as more uninhibited compared to those used by professionals. Perhaps it is due to our lack of formal training.”

Recently, Lee Hyo-ri appeared on JTBC’s “Travel With Mom”broadcast on May 26th and took her first trip to Gyeongju with her mom. During the episode, she became emotional as she opened up about the challenges she faced growing up due to her parents’ frequent arguments.

The female singer revealed that she still gets anxious at the thought of her parents being in the same place. Due to their frequent arguments, she has always disliked conflict and believes this is why she ended up marrying Lee Sang-soon, a kind and gentle man.

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Lee Hyori

During a difficult time in my mother’s past, I was too young to offer any help and felt helpless. The memory of seeing her struggle and not being able to do anything still lingers as a painful scar in my heart. I often regretted not being able to do more and as a result, I distanced myself from my mother. I’m not sure if it was because I couldn’t bear the pain or because I was afraid to confront my feelings of helplessness. However, I now want to confront those emotions and focus on the love between my mother and I. I am determined to overcome and heal from that past pain.

In addition, Lee Hyo-ri’s mother revealed, “During our family’s earlier years, we were a family of six living in a cramped room within my husband’s barbershop. We struggled to make ends meet and couldn’t afford to buy new clothes for Hyo-ri. She had to make do with hand-me-downs from her older sisters and even went without a single bottle of yogurt.”This highlights the financial challenges their family faced in the past and showcases Lee Hyo-ri’s role as the main provider for the family.

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