Lee Jin-ho Discusses Backstory in Controversy Surrounding Han So-hee’s Fake Admission to French University

On April 30th, Lee Jin-ho, a former reporter who now runs a YouTube channel, posted a video titled “Why France? The Real Story behind the Debate over Han So-hee‘s False Admission”.

During the video, Lee Jin-ho discussed the ongoing discussion surrounding Han So-hee’s alleged acceptance into a French university. He stated that the controversy had become a trending topic, and also mentioned that the information revealed on an entertainment program about her admission differed greatly from the actual reality. This led to controversy as netizens started to question the validity of the actress’s university acceptance.

han so hee

“He confirmed, “It is a fact that Han So-hee’s artistic abilities were recognized during her time at Ulsan Girls’ High School, leading her to transfer to Ulsan National University of Arts.”Additionally, he mentioned, “During her preparations for the entrance exam, Han So-hee became intrigued by the idea of studying abroad rather than at a domestic university. She received assistance from a senior who attended an art university in France while preparing for the exam. Despite her eventual enrollment status, she did make efforts to study at that university.”

Despite the Youtuber’s claim that the student could not study at an overseas university due to family circumstances, the truth is that she faced financial struggles which prevented her from even affording a one-way flight. As a result, it is unfortunate that this contributed to a loss of 60 million won.

han so hee

In a YouTube content with PD Na Young-seok earlier in January, Han So-hee revealed that she had been accepted to a university in France. However, she faced the challenge of needing 60 million won in her bank account in order to obtain a visa. At the time, she was unsure how she would be able to secure such a large amount of money.

According to Lee Jin-ho, the French university’s admission website states that a visa is granted on a yearly basis. Therefore, one must have a deposit of 9.6 million won in their bank account, which amounts to 800,000 won per month. This amount is significantly lower than the 60 million won claimed by Han So-hee. Lee Jin-ho believes that if she had properly prepared for the entrance exam, she would not have made such a statement.

lee jinho

He reiterated, “To gain admission into a prestigious university in France like Sorbonne, one must possess a DELF B2 certificate or a score equivalent to B2 on the TCF test.”He then expressed his doubts, stating, “Considering Han So-hee’s lack of French language skills, it seems highly questionable if she truly earned acceptance into an art university there.”

Lee Jin-ho clarified that although Han So-hee stated she chose Beaux-Arts, there are 59 universities of Beaux-Arts in France, each with their own unique admission requirements. He also mentioned that without knowing which specific school she was accepted to, he could not verify the exact criteria for admission.

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