New Drama “When the Stars Gossip”Premieres with a Dramatic Space Journey
tvN’s latest weekend drama, “When the Stars Gossip,”debuted on January 4th, featuring a captivating story centered around Gong Ryong, played by Lee Min-ho. The narrative unfolds as Gong Ryong embarks on a space expedition alongside Eve Kim, portrayed by Gong Hyo-jin, where he is forced to confront his past, especially his initial encounter with his fiancée, Choi Go-eun, amidst perilous circumstances.
Gong Ryong’s High Stakes Mission in Space
In this episode, Gong Ryong, an obstetrician-gynecologist, becomes a space tourist on the orders of his future father-in-law, Choi Jae-ryong (played by Kim Eung-soo). Jae-ryong imposes a daunting challenge on him: to conduct experiments on incurable diseases such as dementia and infertility. He warns, “If you fail, you’re not a doctor anymore. Break up with my daughter Choi Go-eun.”
As the spaceship pierces through ominous storms, panic unfolds when Gong Ryong witnesses floating bodies in space, leading him to ponder, “I came here fully trusting space would save me, but is this a graveyard?” Battling severe motion sickness, he reflects on his turbulent past.
A Challenging Upbringing and Medical Career
Having been orphaned as an infant, Gong Ryong was raised by three aunts: Ji Hwa-ja, Jang Mi-hwa, and Jung Na-mi. They instilled in him a relentless pursuit of financial stability, and their sacrifices enabled him to become a doctor.
Despite his noble profession, Gong Ryong finds himself struggling as he attempts to provide care for a prosperous couple, Choi Dong-hoon and Na Min-jung (played by Baek Eun-hye), who face infertility challenges. Unfortunately, facilitated by Choi Dong-hoon’s compromised health, he cannot deliver the results they desperately seek.
An Unexpected Encounter with Go-eun
A chance meeting with Go-eun occurs following a car accident, placing her in a life-threatening situation due to an ectopic pregnancy. During her moment of distress, she expressed her desire for children, stating, “I like kids. I didn’t even know I was pregnant. Are there any men you can trust in this world?” She warns him to keep her surgery confidential, adding, “If you betray me, you’ll regret it.”
Calmly, Gong Ryong reassures her, instructing, “When you wake up, pretend you don’t know me. Simply trust me and sleep now.” His commitment to her care signifies the deep responsibility he feels as her doctor.
A Clash of Ethics and Family Loyalty
When Choi Jae-ryong discovers the surgery, his anger is palpable as he confronts Gong Ryong, demanding to know, “Who gave you permission to touch my daughter’s body?” Adhering to his medical ethics, Gong Ryong stands firm, stating he would operate on Go-eun again without hesitation. In retaliation, Jae-ryong vows to undermine his career, exclaiming, “You’re fired. I’ll make sure you can never work as a doctor again.”
Complex Relationships and Unexpected Developments
After losing his job, Gong Ryong encounters Go-eun once again. Motivated by revenge, she surprises him with a kiss and a proposal for financial support. Initially taken aback, he protests, “I’m not interested in women. I don’t have the time for love. I don’t even know what love is,” before fleeing the scene.
However, a night fueled by alcohol leads to unexpected intimacy between them. As emotions of revenge and affection intertwine, he contemplates her marriage proposal, ultimately accepting her love declaration with the thought, “Fine, let’s get married. Whether it’s love or not, what does it matter?”
Additionally, Go-eun’s ex-boyfriend, Kang Kang-su (played by Oh Jung-se), attempts to maintain his hold over her, declaring, “If the guy coming up isn’t better than me, I won’t let you go.” Meanwhile, with Eve’s support, Gong Ryong manages to recover from his physical ailment, hinting at an evolving bond with her.
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