On January 9, renowned actor Lee Byung-hun took a moment to express his heartfelt appreciation for his wife, Lee Min-jung. This public acknowledgment came after she sent a delightful coffee truck to the set of his latest film, “No Other Choice.” His simple yet meaningful message of gratitude, “Thank you~,” resonated with fans.
The coffee truck was embellished with vibrant and supportive messages, such as “Supporting Lee Byung-hun and the ‘No Other Choice’ team” and “Lee Byung-hun is truly unstoppable.” These thoughtful displays of affection not only brought a smile to Lee Byung-hun’s face but also highlighted the strong bond between the couple. Following his post, Lee Min-jung playfully responded, “It might have been bought with oppa’s money,” eliciting laughter from their followers.
Lee Min-jung and Lee Byung-hun have been married since 2013 and share a beautiful family with a son and a daughter. Their journey, however, has not been without its challenges. In 2014, while Lee Min-jung was pregnant, Lee Byung-hun became embroiled in a highly publicized affair scandal. Despite the tumultuous circumstances, Lee Byung-hun sought to make amends and repair their relationship. Lee Min-jung’s eventual forgiveness showcased their resilience, allowing them to maintain a robust partnership over the past eight years.
In terms of their professional pursuits, the couple is currently focused on their respective projects. Recently, Lee Min-jung selected the drama “Okay, Let’s Divorce” as her upcoming role, while Lee Byung-hun is actively working on the Netflix sensation “Squid Game 2” and is also in the midst of filming the new movie “No Other Choice” directed by the acclaimed Park Chan-wook.
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