Lee Sang-woo and Kim So-yeon’s Unchanged Love: Going the Extra Mile for the Perfect Interior and a 5-Day Braising of Ribs to Celebrate Her New Drama

During the airing of KBS 2TV’s “Stars’ Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant” on August 23rd, Lee Sang-woo impressed viewers with his romantic gestures.

It was the debut of the 20-year experienced actor and loving husband to Kim So-yeon on the show. He shared that it took him a total of 5 years and 120 days to get ready for his appearance on “Stars’ Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant”: 3 years for emotional preparation, 2 years for careful contemplation, and 120 days for their new home to be fully prepared.

lee sang woo

Lee Sang-woo gave a sneak peek of the couple’s new honeymoon home, which he and Kim So-yeon recently purchased. He shared, “I’m still adjusting to our new house. Before, I lived alone and Kim So-yeon moved in with me. After 7 years of marriage, we have finally found our first home together.”

lee sang soo

Lee Sang-woo and Kim So-yeon’s recently acquired residence, offering a breathtaking view of the Han River, stands out with its sleek and contemporary interior design. Evidently, the process of creating this chic new dwelling required a considerable amount of time and effort: 100 days solely for the interior design, a year of planning, six months of construction, and 20 days for the actual relocation.

Lee Sang-woo impressed many when he shared, “I began my factory and showroom visits a year ago in order to make my selections. Throughout this process, I actively checked and communicated over 100 times in real-time.”

When MC Boom asked, “Was it truly necessary to go to the factories? Couldn’t they have just brought samples to you?”Lee Sang-woo clarified, “If I had solely relied on samples, it would have been too restrictive. I ended up making numerous suggestions on my own. Even the professionals admitted it was their first time encountering such a scenario.”

Lee Sang-woo’s focus on intricate details in the interior design was motivated by his determination to guarantee his wife Kim So-yeon’s comfort.

lee sang soo

As a devoted husband, he took on the task of personally designing everything from the kitchen lighting to the home café space. He also fulfilled one of Kim So-yeon’s long-time desires by installing a fireplace, showcasing his dedication to making her happy.

Lee Sang-woo explained that this was the first time he had complete control over a project and he took full advantage of it by incorporating all of his desires.

Lee Sang-woo surprised everyone when he entered the kitchen dressed in a white lab coat and a headband that exposed his forehead. Despite the unusual outfit, he confidently began preparing the meal, revealing that he had studied Food Biotechnology in college and used to wear this lab coat. He even joked that his wife, So-yeon, loved it when he cooked in this attire instead of a traditional apron. Although it may have seemed more fitting for a laboratory, his unique outfit brought joy and entertainment to the cooking process.

lee sang woo

Lee Sang-woo prepared braised short ribs and explained his reasoning, stating that he wanted to show support for So-yeon’s new drama as she loves the dish. He put in a lot of effort to make sure it was perfect.

Following five days dedicated solely to cooking, he shared a photo of the finished dish with his wife. Kim So-yeon was impressed by the mouth-watering short ribs and praised him, exclaiming, “We finally get to indulge in the braised short ribs that took five days to prepare!”

Shortly after, Lee Sang-woo showed his support for Kim So-yeon by sending her braised short ribs to her script reading session. Grateful for the gesture, Kim So-yeon exclaimed, “Thank you! We will all enjoy it together. Your support truly motivates me.”

Lee Sang-woo remarked, “So-yeon mentioned that it was tasty. I have always believed that hard work pays off in the end. It appears that the cook’s dedication is evident in the satisfaction of those who partake in the meal.”

Despite being married for seven years, when asked if he still feels flustered, he responded, “I would say that my feelings have remained consistent since the beginning rather than being flustered,”impressing everyone.

The source for this information is from daum.

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