The 2024 KBS Drama Awards aired on January 11 and was hosted by prominent figures Jang Sung-kyu, Seohyun, and Moon Sang-min. Originally, the ceremony was set to take place live on December 31, 2023, but it was postponed due to the tragic aftermath of the Jeju Air passenger plane disaster, and subsequently, a pre-recorded version was aired.
This ceremony marked the return of Lee Soon-jae, who had been away from the spotlight for two months due to health issues. With the support of fellow actor Kim Yong-gun and former Momoland member Yeonwoo, he made a poignant appearance, appearing slightly thinner but maintaining his characteristic grace and dignity.
Return After Health Challenges
During the event, Lee Soon-jae, alongside Yeonwoo and the adorable dog Ari, captured the Best Couple Award for their endearing roles in the drama “Dog Knows Everything.”In a light-hearted moment, he shared, “In two-thirds of Korean homes, pets and their owners coexist like couples, a relatable theme. But this dynamic is a first in drama. Sophie, the dog, truly played a lead role; without her, the drama might have ceased altogether—I might have had to take over barking duties.” His humorous anecdotes elicited laughter from the audience.
Lee Soon-jae went on to commend the creative team behind “Dog Knows Everything,” emphasizing, “Every actor who joined this unique venture did so with a spirit of exploration. Winning awards was not our initial goal; instead, we aimed to produce something enjoyable for the audience. This project was a collective effort with no clear leading or supporting roles—everyone played a crucial part.”
A Touching Grand Prize Achievement
As the night progressed, Lee Soon-jae received the coveted Grand Prize, a monumental recognition in his illustrious career, underscoring his lasting impact on Korean entertainment. Amidst heartfelt applause from his peers, the esteemed 90-year-old actor began his acceptance speech with the poignant statement, “Living long enough allows us days like this.”
Reflecting on his deep-rooted history with KBS, he noted the network’s inception on December 31, 1961. Lee Soon-jae also touched upon the tradition of awarding such prestigious prizes, recognizing both domestic and international achievements. “Historically, because the Grand Prize often honored portrayals of historical figures, it is comparable to practices in other countries such as the U.S., where actors like Katharine Hepburn were awarded multiple times.”
He stressed the necessity of assessing talent through skill rather than popularity, stating, “This award isn’t solely mine. It rightfully belongs to every person who contributed to ‘Dog Knows Everything,’ from the cast and crew to the animals involved. It was genuinely a shared endeavor.”
In addition, Lee Soon-jae expressed gratitude towards his students at Gachon University, where he has dedicated 13 years as a revered professor. “I personally guide my students through project selection and preparation for final presentations. However, due to my conflicting schedule this time, I was unable to participate. Yet, my students reassured me, ‘Don’t worry, Professor. We’ll accomplish it just as you’ve taught us.’ Their unwavering confidence moved me to tears. My belief in them undoubtedly contributed to this moment.”
Challenging the Significance of Awards
During the ceremony, host Jang Sung-kyu posed a poignant question to Lee Soon-jae: “Do you seek the Grand Prize, or do you have no interest in such accolades?” Lee Soon-jae responded resolutely, “I didn’t come here specifically to win. My presence, at 90 years of age, emphasizes my role as the senior among the cast.”
Elaborating on his views about awards, he articulated, “True awards derive from genuine effort and honest appraisal. They should not merely reward fame or status, but acknowledge real dedication. The Academy Awards, for instance, demonstrate that many celebrated stars may not always secure wins, while less prominent yet diligent actors sometimes do. This distinction is what makes an award meaningful—a keepsake to cherish for life.”
Lee Soon-jae concluded with an optimistic vision for the future of the KBS Drama Awards, saying, “I genuinely hope this ceremony develops into a platform that prioritizes fairness and serves as a benchmark of real honor in our industry. Awards should inspire us to create and perform with authenticity and passion.”
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