Lee Sun-kyun Overcomes Blackmail Panic: Friend’s Money Delivery Testimony and 350 Million Won Amount Revealed

A man in his 40s, who was acting on behalf of Lee Sun-kyun, appeared in court as a witness after delivering 350 million won in cash.

The individual referred to as A, who is said to have been a childhood friend of Lee Sun-kyun, appeared at the 6th trial held at Incheon District Court on September 5th. During their testimony, A stated, “My close friend (Lee Sun-kyun) was suffering greatly from the threats and simply wanted to put an end to it by paying the demanded money.”

On this day, two women charged with blackmailing Lee Sun-kyun, identified as B (30, female, manager of an adult entertainment establishment) and C (29, female, former movie actress), appeared in court. They are accused of demanding 300 million won and 50 million won, respectively, from Lee Sun-kyun.

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A confessed, “I had great affection for him (Lee Sun-kyun) and wanted to assist him by delivering the money.”He further explained, “The intimidation and anxiety caused by the threats were unbearable, and I continue to undergo treatment and take medication as a result.”

Concerning the origin of the funds, A stated, “The 300 million won and 50 million won in cash were delivered to me by Lee Sun-kyun’s agency representative, and I subsequently handed the money to the defendants on different occasions at a restaurant.”

The individual went on to clarify, stating that B had assured them that the situation would come to a close once the money was handed over. B had also signed a document taking full responsibility for any future incidents.

The upcoming court session for this case has been set for October 7th at 4:30 PM, to be held at Incheon District Court.

On December 27th of last year, Lee Sun-kyun’s body was discovered near Waryong Park in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

The original source of this information can be found on Nate at https://news.nate.com/view/20240906n04036?mid=n1008.

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